I had a very large grocery haul last week. Since I have a $400. per month budget and I hadn’t spent a lot in January, I took advantage of some of the Super Bowl deals. Hubby put the groceries away before I could take pictures. My grocery receipt was very light so I couldn’t use that. So I will list what I purchased.
Hubby asked me to get some Kellogg’s raisin bran for breakfasts for him. I was thrilled when I saw that the Giant Box was on sale for $5.99 so I got 3 boxes. We were in need of some quick things. Almost everything in my freezers is fresh meat that I froze and frozen veggies. When I am too tired to cook, I don’t want to have to resort to fast food. So I purchased 3 Tony’s Meat pizzas on sale for 3/$10. , hot dog rolls for $ 1.19, sesame rolls at $ 4.99 for sandwiches, and a Yancey’s onion cheese wedge for $3.99 for a snack. Two bags of fully cooked Tyson Chicken tenderloin strips on sale for $7.99 a bag, 2 Margaritaville Coconut Shrimp for a total of $9.99, and 5 lbs. of Smithfield Bacon for total of $19.98 since they were on B2G3 free.
I got 80/20 ground beef for $3.99 a lb.. which totaled $ 26.21. I got 2 bags of Cape Cod potato chips to go with sandwiches and burgers on sale for B1G1F. They cost $ 5.29 for both. I paid $ 4.99 for a small bag of Rosina meatballs. I purchased 2.38 lbs. of green seedless grapes @ $ 2.77 lb which totaled $ 6.59. We love putting these in chicken salad which we serve on crackers. Hubby was out of Crystal Light Peach Iced Tea and they were on sale for $3.00 each so I got 5 packages. Kraft Cheese Singles were on sale B1G1F so I paid $4.99 for both. We love grilled cheese sandwiches. Green Giant Rainbow Coleslaw was on sale B1G1F so $3.49 for 2 bags.
Hubby loves the Cheez It Snap’d and they were B1G1F and cost me $4.79 for both. One box of Sunmaid raisins was $ 4.49. Lastly one jar of Hellman’s mayonnaise was $ 3.69.
I went to Top’s on Senior Citizen discount day which is 6% off. So my total after sales, coupons, discounts, etc. was $ 151.53.
I earned $ .40 off per gallon in gasoline points so I filled the car up at $2.66. per gallon.
I also cashed in 4 lottery tickets for a total of $12.00. They were Christmas gifts.
This past week has been extremely busy trying to keep up with the ice and snow. It has been awful! Hubby says we get a lot of snow but we have never as this much piled up over time since we moved here almost 15 years ago. I am very ready to move back to AZ or have it all melt soon. Many days we have not been able to get our mail because of the ice. Thank God for our snowplow guy or we would not be able to get out of the driveway.
So between cleaning the basement, working on taxes, dealing with the snow and ice, running errands, and taking care of Hubby and Eloise, I have been really exhausted.
I will be back tomorrow with another post.
4 replies on “Last Week’s Grocery Haul”
Hi Precious! You did a good stockpiling haul. I was wondering about the Smithfield bacon. Was that the brand you told us not to buy awhile back or was it the Oscar Meyer bacon? I have been buying the OM kind when it is on sale so now I am worried I am buying the wrong kind.
Really sorry you guys are suffering with the ice and snow and I am thankful for your snow plow guy also.
We are doing ok so far this week. Older granddaughter went back to school today from having the flu. She was out for a week. Her teacher told Daughter that 9 kids were absent yesterday. Hubby leaves Friday am for AZ for a few days to attend the funeral of his uncle. I will hold down the fort here.
Hi Chris,
Thanks. I don’t remember. However, The Smithfield tastes great right now and it is pretty lean.
So sorry about Hubby’s uncle.
An awesome haul! You always do so well! This week I have been running in daily to check the clearance section and found a few things. Soy sauce (.52), cat food (.40 and .53), panko crumbs (1.50). There is rarely meat and I usually pass it up for folks that need it more than I do.
This week Ball Park hot dogs are on sale for 1.99 and OM bacon for 3.99, that will be my stock up.
Hi Patti,
Thanks Patti. Great deals on the clearance. Wow. What a great price on the hot dogs and OM bacon.