Every Day

January 2024 Spending

I will only be tracking on here some of the categories because the large ones like insurances, cable TV and streaming services, etc. pretty much stay the same. However, I am tracking everything in my actual budget.

This month I spent $ 384.58 on groceries(just food). There were 3 Walmart delivery orders and 1 Amazon that was food also. I did not show you those. So I was $ 149.42 under budget. That has been rolled into my February budget so that I can stock up some beef and other meats in my freezer.

We spent $ 259.13 on electricity and natural gas.

I only filled up the gas tank once for a total of $ 36.00.

Our medical drugs and co-pays came to $ 272.80.

Miscellaneous was $ 15.10 for Christmas cards purchased at 50% off. And I spent $ 66.00 for a 100 count roll of Forever stamps.

Gifts were $ 110. We had one birthday and I tipped my grandson $10. for doing some work in the house for me.

I needed to get 2 pair of flannel pants to keep me warm and one bra because one was totally warn out for a cost of $ 39.21. That comes out of the clothing budget.

I stocked batteries, those LED small lights for closets and cupboards for a total of $ 72.08 from the household budget.

We paid our property taxes which totaled $ 4788.15 and the yearly bill for this coming season of lawn fertilizer which totaled $ 445.83. They gave us 3% off for paying early.

What we spent no money on in January was eating out. We had no fast food nor did we go to any restaurants to eat. That saves a fortune. All food was made at home. We also did not spend anything on entertainment outside the home.

How did you do in January? Care to share?

8 replies on “January 2024 Spending”

Hi Precious, you did great. I am starting to have Hubby do a spread sheet for our CC bills, but we shall see if he actually follows through. We had some end of the year expenses when we visited our parents around New Years. The gas to go visit them is over $100 now, so not a minor expense like it used to be. We try to go when we don’t have to stop for a meal if we can. We usually take my sister and brother in law to a local Mexican restaurant where they live since we stay with them. This time our 2 nephews came also, and it was $135 with tip, which we thought wasn’t bad for 6 people and some had alcohol.

We did have a few extra expenses for January. We spent $25 to take the little girls to our church’s spaghetti dinner, $42 to the local Y to sign little granddaughter up for a class she and Hubby are going to this winter.

We paid half of our property taxes in January and they were $3666. We also had some unexpected medical bills.

Our health insurance has changed and is more this year since I am on Medicare and Hubby on COBRA until July when he goes on Medicare. It is $656/mo for both of us. The COBRA was less expensive for Hubby than going on an ACA plan. Hoping cost will be less when he is on Medicare.

Hi Chris,

Thanks. You did great on your trip! Gas is expensive but well worth it to see family. We spend a fortune on gas when we visit our son on the other side of the state. But he does the same to visit us. That is a fantastic price for 6 people to eat.

You have done well this month.

Those pesky medical bills certainly add up and so do the insurance premiums. It is the most costly thing that we pay each year.

I am glad to see that you guys are enjoying Hubby’s retirement.

Odd Job Lot selling cotton blend flannel pajama pants for only $4.99. We stock up. Cheaper to buy then buy the material to sew it myself! Start looking for close outs at these odd lot stores. Some have great bargains. You did well on your grocery expense!!

Here are some numbers.
Electric – 402.00
Pets – 173.00
Eating out – 157.00
Household – 9.50 (softener salt)
Groceries – 365.00
Medical – 608.00 (495.00 will be reimbursed)
Fuel – 38.00
Haircut – 55.00
Clothes – 16.00
Subscriptions – 112.00 (Walmart plus)

1 month down staying on or under budget!! January came in $600 UNDER budget. Every category was on/under except for TV. I guess the week I had to work from home due to the winter storm, I must have been board and order some movies to watch….. It was over by $9.

Water lines froze and burst even though I had heat on and water dripping. What a mess in the downstairs. Plumber came the same day and the restoration company came the next morning and had it cleaned up and out in 4 hours. Left air movers for 4 days to ensure everything was dry. Insurance adjuster came 2 days later. Now I have to go through the “replacement” exercise. Nothing of sentimental value was damaged. God is great!

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