Before I talk about our savings today, I wanted to post a picture of our filet mignon and tossed salad dinner last night. I put ranch dressing on mine and Hubby had Italian. The filets were just seasoned with salt and pepper before Hubby grilled them. They were melt in your mouth good.
Our son who lives in the Adirondack’s in the eastern part of the state called Hubby yesterday afternoon for his birthday. We both enjoyed talking to him. It is rare that we get to see him because he works a full time job, owns a business, and is helping two different friends renovate their homes.
Today will be a savings day and I will list those as I do them during the day.
My son who lives just a little over an hour away called Hubby last night for his birthday. He told us that his family is going to the Buffalo Bills store downtown for when it opens on Sunday morning. So they will not be here for breakfast but will come later when they are done. Hubby invited them for lunch. They all eat Keto. So I made out a list of things that they will eat and was going to go to the store early this morning to get those things that I did not have. However when I was done with my list, I saw that I had a text message from him. He said his wife said we should go out for wings for lunch. So that is the plan sometime after they get done shopping. I imagine they will treat us. So I cancelled the grocery shopping trip which saves us on spending money for food and gasoline.
I did a very full load of laundry with just a couple of tablespoons of detergent. According to my appliance people that is all you need. I have been trying to get down to just one load a week to save on electricity. I have finally done it. I have an energy efficient Speed Queen washer and dryer. I use cold water to wash. Most things are hung to dry. I do dry sheets and towels in the dryer but for only 25 minutes and then hang them if they aren’t quite dry. I just replaced my dryer balls after almost 14 and a half years of use. I found a set of 6 at Walmart a month ago with a storage bag for $ 9.00. I do not use dryer sheets and haven’t for years.
I caulked all the spots that needed it on our window frames and sills. We are trying to get ready for winter. Hubby has been cutting the lawn down really low and mowing up the leaves as they come down. He has also been trimming the bushes and cutting some of the plants down. This is keeping him really busy and saves us on hiring our landscaper to clean up for the winter.
We still have no heat on. That is amazing for the end of September. I hope we can go a few more weeks without it by wearing sweatshirts and long pants. I have gotten our draft stoppers for the outside doors from our storage area so that they are ready to use.
Dinner tonight will be the leftover honey bourbon chicken, which Hubby loved, roasted potatoes, and brussel sprouts from Thursday dinner. I like to cook two meals at once. When we eat these, all leftovers in our fridge will be used up.
I love coffee as I am sure many of you do. I never buy coffee at a McDonald’s, Dunkin Donuts, Tim Horton’s or Starbucks. I always make it at home. If I want it while I am out running errands, I bring my travel mug with coffee in it. However I drink 4-5 cups a day. As you all know, coffee has gotten so high in price, especially the last two weeks in which it took a huge increase of $3.00- $5.00 for a large can. So I am cutting back to 2 cups a day. If I need something else hot, I will have tea. I have lots of tea bags. Plus I can use my teabags to make two cups of tea.
When we got Eloise, we needed to buy litter. It was so expensive that I was shocked. We seem to be going through it quickly. If you have a kitten or cat, can you tell me where you buy it the cheapest and what you buy? Also how high do you fill the litter box with clean litter when you change it? I scoop her litter box twice a day. She also really likes to cover things up and manages to get litter all over the floor when she is doing that. Do the covered boxes work better than the flat ones? Thanks to anyone who responds and helps me out. I am headed in there now to clean and wash her box. Then I will vacuum and sanitize the floor.
Popeye’s contacted me with an apology and a $15.00 coupon for my next order. I’ll take it. When things go wrong on your order, it pays to let them know.
Did you do a little something to save or not spend today?
6 replies on “A Savings Day”
Hi Precious! A good savings day. Your filet dinner looks delicious. We have been eating leftovers also
We use the Tidy Cats scoopable litter for Kitty. We have found the cheapest place to get it is Menards. I have also gotten it at Target on gift card deals and rolled the gift cards, but Menards is cheaper. The big box of litter from Menards lasts us about 2 mos. We fill the pan about 40%. We have her litter down in the basement in Hubby’s shop. We have 2 pans and she does #1 in one and #2 in the other. We use a plastic strainer spoon from the kitchen dept. they are more sturdy than the ones in the pet aisle. Also, when we lived in a place where the litter box was in a finished area of the house like your laundry room, we used one of the litter boxes with the lid and Kitty did fine. Hope these tips help.
It is a quiet weekend here. We did the bills and caught up Hubby’s spreadsheet and all is going well. I will get my first (very small) SS check later in Oct.
Hi Chris,
Thank you for all these tips. I will check out that litter. I don’t have Menards and Target is not close but I will price check the stores I do use. What size package of litter do you use? In 2 weeks and 1 day she had gone through one package and is 1/2 way through the other. i have been putting 3 inches in the box. I will also get a box with a top.
I like quiet weekends! Yeah on the SS check that you have coming.
Precious, it is a 40 lb box for 17.70. Check the prices if you have something like Rural King or Tractor Supply. I haven’t bought from Chewy. And Menards is closer than the pet stores. We don’t have Walmart close by, but I wonder how much it would be for your delivery program?
Hi Chris,
Thanks for that info. I do have TS. I will check their price along with all the others.
My cat does not use a litter box. My husband trained her to go outside like a dog. She goes to the door when she wants out and back at the door when she wants in. We live in the country so this works for us.
1. I went through all my fall/winter clothes so that I know what I have/need. This keeps me from mindless spending.
2. Ate from the freezer/pantry all week. Packed food and water for work. Made pudding instead of getting a Frosty.
3. Turned off ac and opened the sliding deck door for air. Rained all day but no damage. I thank God for this.
4. Fought insurance company since May to replace my roof after storm damage. They have agreed to replace the whole roof instead of “the damage area” (which was the whole roof). $20,000 saved. Now to get it done before winter.
5. Eye doctor gave me trial Xiidra to last until January so that I don’t have to pay $2,100. I will change my health insurance plan for 2025 so that it covers the prescription.
Hi Wendy,
That is very cool that your cat goes outside. We have big hawks here so can’t let her out. She will be an indoor cat.
I love the pudding instead of a frosty.
Unfortunately I can’t open the windows with Eloise. She would be climbing the screens.
It is so frustrating fighting insurance companies. I am so happy for you that they will pay for it. Roofs are so expensive. We had some damage from wind a couple of years ago. They had to replace an entire section of roof. They paid it all except for my $1,000. deductible.
Yeah on the trial drug. I have a brand new drug that my doctor gives me samples of every time I go. I am very grateful for that.
You had a great savings week.