I needed very few groceries this week. On my trip to Top’s, I purchased 4 bars of Cabot Cheese on sale for $ 2.50 each. This cheese is our very favorite so I tend to stock up on it when it is cheap. We needed cheese for grilled cheese sandwiches so that was $ 2.79. The bread is for sandwiches and to make French toast for West. It was $ 1.69. The Ken’s Blue cheese dressing was $2.49 using a $ 1.00 off coupon. The last items were 2 SF wafer cookies that Hubby asked for. They were on sale for $3.00 each. So my grocery bill this week totaled $ 22.97. I also got a 100 free gas points with a monopoly ticket. The cashier reminded me that gas points are expiring on Saturday. Since I had $.40 off a gallon, I filled up while I was there. I paid $ 3.30 per gallon after the reduction.

In the mail I received these coupons that I had requested. We love the Chung’s Egg Rolls to accompany our dinner when I make Chinese food. The Smithfield coupons will come in handy for smoked sausage, ham, and hot dogs. I take time once a week to write the manufacturers of products that I use to ask for coupons.
A while ago my son in the Adirondacks told me that the fire department he volunteers at was having a raffle so I purchased a couple of tickets. I totally forgot about it until this morning when he told me I won the Yeti Tundra 35 cooler. I rarely win anything so I am very excited. This will come in handy for picnics, parties, and if the power goes out.

Yesterday, I ran out and did some errands for Hubby. He wanted me to get some geraniums for the back patio. I had sticker shock when I saw what they cost. I needed a flat of 12 and they cost $ 38. for just 4 plants. That was $ 114. for the flat. There was no way I was paying that. So instead I got a flat of fire hot(color) salvia. That cost me $19.99+ tax. What a huge difference. I wonder why the geraniums are so expensive. I know things cost so much more but I deemed this a complete rip off.
I am lazy this morning. But as soon as I have my shower and get dressed for the day, I will be cleaning.
What are you doing this week to save money?
2 replies on “A Little Of This and A Little Of That”
Hi Precious, good shopping. I can see from your shopping that Hubby would love to try that horseradish cheese when we come to see you. I will have to see if we have that kind where we live, I haven’t seen it but haven’t known to look for it.
Today I went to Kroger, and it was only an ok week for deals. I got some ribs for 1.99 lb. The Tyson chicken was BOGO, as were the pita breads and cheese I bought to make homemade pizzas tonight. Otherwise I bought the usual fresh things. I am hoping the sale next week will be better since it will be Memorial Day weekend. I stayed in m budget and had $25 leftover so won’t need to get as much cash out next week. I have been doing that a few weeks this month already.
Hi Chris,
I will make sure we have some of the horseradish cheese when you come.
It sounds like you got some good deals. I have my ads for next week and they are now in the garbage. Not one thing I want.