I apologize for the blurry picture again today. I will figure out this new camera when I have time.
Hubby is feeling a lot better today. He is just not 100% yet. I think it is definitely my homemade chicken soup that is curing him. We will be having that for dinner again tonight.
Since Top’s is only 3 miles away, he told me to go to the market. He said he would call me if he needed me. I went early and it was not crowded so I wasn’t gone long.
I got 3.05 lbs of Hot Italian Sausage which was on loss leader sale for $3.99 a lb. for the cost of $ 12.17. We had no shrimp so I splurged on a bag of Colossal Shrimp on sale for $11.99 and the 10 Knorr sides on sale for $1.00 each. They were a long term stockpile item. I earned $.20 off a gallon of gas in points for the Knorr deal. I got a 30 count package of bandaids and the Post Cocoa cereal cup for free with 2 Monopoly coupons. West will enjoy that. I purchased a bottle of Ken’s Steakhouse Sweet Vidalia Onion salad dressing on sale for $3.00 and used a $1.00 off coupon that they sent me in the mail for a cost of $2.00.
I have not bought a Hot Pockets since my kids were in school many, many years ago. It was $ .99 with a Monopoly coupon. I will never buy one again. I had one for lunch and it was awful. The dough was flavorless and the pizza fillings inside were like mush. This has to be the worst thing I have ever eaten. I choked down the one I was eating and debated on throwing out the other one in the package. But Hubby said he will try it later in the week. I think his opinion will be the same. It was a total waste of $ .99. The Hot Pockets back in the 1980’s were much better than this one. I think they have either changed ingredients for their profit or can’t get the ingredients. Yuck!
Lastly, I got 2 boxes of SteakUmms on sale for $ 3.99 each for a total of $7.98. I love these with my eggs for brunch. They have new pork ones out too. I have asked the company for coupons.
My total today for this weekly shop was $ 45.13.
Did you get any good grocery deals this week?
3 replies on “My Weekly Grocery Haul And The Worst Thing I Have Ever Eaten”
Hi Precious. I have never bought Hot Pockets. The only shopping I have done this week so far is getting Mothers Day cards at Dollar Tree today. Oh, and a present for one of the little boys on our street who has a birthday this week. I am going to take older granddaughter over to Kroger in a bit to help pick out some ice cream novelties for the little get together on our street Thursday. One of the families started a “come sing happy birthday and eat popsicles” party in the garage for their youngest earlier this year and some of us are doing the same thing. Hubby and I thought it was a great idea since our granddaughters play with the kids on the street when they are over.
Hello, way back when I ran the kitchen for a big fraternity house, Hot Pockets were my friend. The boys loved them and they were easy, cooked great in the huge convection oven and they were easy on the budget.
But I was only a fan for those reasons. I never ate them
Thankfully you’re only out .99
Hi Rhonda,
Feeding a crowd is hard work. Easy is so much better. When my boys were in high school, a friend asked me if I could help her run the kitchen and make the food at a private academy. It is the private academy that my granddaughter attended. The pay sucked but I agreed to help out until she found someone permanent. I worked there for 6 months. She asked me to come back the following year and I turned her down. It was the hardest work I ever did. So many NYS regulations…everything had to be dated and labeled and the floors and sinks and counters had to be scrubbed every day. We used huge pans and pots to cook and so they all had to be washed after 2 periods of feeding all of the female students. Then there were the unanounced food inspections I hated it, That kind of work is very hard and sometimes I don’t think we appreciate all the work the workers do.
I will never eat a hot pocket again! Thanks for sharing,