Every Day

Some Great Deals Today

Sorry that the pictures are a little weird. Hubby needed the phone and I was rushing when I did them.

I know I told you that I was not going to shop this week again. However, after we ate the some of the strip steaks that I purchased earlier in the week, Hubby wanted more. We agreed that they were the best strip steaks we have ever purchased at Top’s. They were very tender and very flavorful. Since I still had grocery money leftover last month and in January, I went back today to get two more packages of 4 each. Tomorrow is the last day of the sale and I avoid shopping on the weekends if I can. My cost for those were $50.95.

Top’s was having a three day only sale and today was one of the days. I got a loaf of bakery French bread for $ 1.29, bananas at $.29 a lb, 1 yogurt for $ .29 and 1 peanut butter for $ 1.29. They had other things but these were the only good deals that I could use with the 3 day coupons.

I also picked up 4 more of the Cabot cheeses at 4/$10. My total for all was $ 64.57.

Every couple of weeks, I have been looking at the price of my favorite mouthwash on Walmart. It had been too high for my blood. I have been out for a while. Finally it came down to $ 11.89. I still did not want to pay that price. Last night, I looked and found out that it was on sale for $ 6.78 bottle. Walmart is just a block from Top’s. So I stopped in and got three bottles today which will last me a long time. My total with $ 1.63 in sales tax came to $ 21.97. Natural Dentist is the best mouthwash I have ever used. It really pays to be patient.

Tonight Hubby will be coating and frying a large piece of haddock that we will split for dinner. When he cooked the steaks the other night, I baked 4 extra potatoes to make potato salad. I will do that right after I finish posting this.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. It is supposed to be 52 here today and then high 50’s and then up to 67 through Wednesday. I am loving it!

6 replies on “Some Great Deals Today”

Hi Precious. Good shopping. The steaks look really good. Today we went to a warehouse sale at a local cookie business. They were having cases of 60 cookies for $30. So we bought and I will put them in the freezer this weekend to pull out for desserts when our kids come for Thursday suppers.

I went to lunch with some of my lady friends from the Y and used a gift card we had to pay for it. Hubby stayed home to nap with little granddaughter. While I was out I went to a couple of the local thrift stores and was looking for some big tshirts I can wear to the Y since some of mine are getting worn. I got 4 of them and in with the adults was a nice one for older granddaughter. I also found a Paw Patrol matching game for little granddaughter and a puzzle for hubby and me to do of the number Pi. So 5 tshirts and the other things and with tax was $24.xx. I went to the thrift stores near where we had lunch, they are in a rich area. 😉

We don’t have a lot going on this weekend. Hubby is going to make a pork loin on the smoker on Sunday that I got at Kroger yesterday on sale.

Hi Chris,

Thanks! Nice score on those cookies. That was a great deal! Rich areas are great places to thrift shop and consignment shop! You got a lot for under $25.

I can almost smell that pork loin in the smoker! 🙂

Letitia James is totally out of control. Hopefully Trump will erase her very existence out of NY. Also, because of the wild fires in TX, many of the cattle died in the blaze. That will send beef prices soaring too!! We stocked up on beef but it’ll never last as long as the higher prices will. The only way around it is to support local, small NY beef ranchers. If there will be any left. Did you know that Dutchess County used to be home to over 270 dairy farmers? Today, only 10 are left. If I had the means, I’d get the hell out of New York once and for all. But where would we go? Every place sucks or will suck.

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