Yesterday, Alexa and I went to Aldi’s to get some of the on sale butter for $ 2.49 each. Aldi’s always has the best price around Thanksgiving. I still had quite a bit in my freezer. So we each got the limit of 6 which gave me 12 lbs. to add to what I had for a total of 27 for this next year. That should be enough. Since we were there we each picked up 6 turkey and brown gravy packets for $ .29 each.
Other than shopping, we spent the rest of the day at home. We played some quizzes from many years back on You Tube again. It is lots of fun and would make great party games.
Dinner again was KFC chicken that we reheated in the air fryer. Last night we watched a women’s volley ball game.
Today when Alexa gets up, Hubby is going to make homemade apple cinnamon waffles. He is going to teach Alexa how to do it and put them in the waffle maker. If she likes them, we will send her a waffle maker after she goes home. Other than that the only thing on our agenda today is making hamburgers and French fries for dinner. It is supposed to be a warm day so we may take a walk.
I hope you all have a great day!
7 replies on “A Great Deal, Etc.”
I only bought 2 pounds of the on-sale Aldi butter. I prefer margarine when I bake/cook and at $1.35 for Aldi margarine, that’s what we’ll use. I only put butter on bread or a roll I’m going to eat (or pancakes or waffles which is rarely prepared). That’s a lot of butter Precious. Happy eating!!!
Hi Cindi,
We each have our own likes and dislikes. Enjoy that margarine. It sure is a lot of butter but I use it for everything; cooking, baking, eating, etc.
There’s no denying that butter tastes a helluva lot better than margarine! Enjoy!!! Lucky you!!!!
Hi Precious, great deal on the butter. I think I am going to wait and see if some better butter deals in Dec. I still have quite a bit. And sounds like another great day with your granddaughter.
I went to Kroger this morning for my weekly shop. I had saved my $30 in rewards to help pay for the turkey and ham. I got a 17.5 lb turkey for .49/lb and a butt portion of ham 8.5 lb for 1.99/lb. Hoping the hams will be a lower price for Christmas and Easter. The rest of my shopping was good, I ended up spending $104 and saved $120. 55% saving so I was happy. Tonight the kids are coming for supper and we are having biscuits and gravy, eggs and strawberries. Yum!
Hi Chris,
That is a great shop. You saved a lot of money. That sounds like a yummy dinner. Enjoy!
I read the receipt wrong, I saved $129.
A nice savings.