It has been crazy around here but I finally found time to go get this deal at Top’s. I got 17.57 lbs. of chicken breasts for $ 34.96. That was $ 1.99 a lb. and there was a limit of 3 packages. I haven’t seen that price around here in a couple of years. They had plenty so if I have to go anywhere else this week, I will stop and get 3 more.
This week our sprinkler company came and blew out the lines for the winter. Our heating people just came to service the furnace for the winter to make sure that everything is working well. Hubby is keeping him busy while I blog.
In the meantime, I have been organizing pantries. I started cleaning out my chest freezer and then realized that those bins wouldn’t fit because there was too much meat in the freezer. So we are eating out of it every night so that we can get it down to where the bins will work.
Also I canned up a whole bunch of chicken from the freezer the end of last week and put it on the shelf. The chicken I got today I will cut up tonight and can it in the morning.
In case you guys haven’t gotten the word, now there is a shortage of resin. It is used in making Ziploc bags and other food grade bags. So if you are in need, I would grab some now before they disappear and the price skyrockets. This info came from within the largest manufacturing plant of those bags in the U.S. Notice how the media isn’t even mentioning it.
Hubby has been moving our underground sprinkler system in the new garden in the backyard. I helped where I could. The hosing was right where we are having the landscape company move two rose of sharon bushes. They have gotten too big for the gardens they are in. We didn’t want to have a repeat of when the first garden was put in. They cut the sprinkler hose. Now these are safe and out of the way.
Tonight we are having leftover fish that we cooked up last night. Hubby had breaded haddock and I had salmon. We will reheat the leftovers in the air fryer.
Did you get a any good deals this week?
4 replies on “A Little of This and a Little of That”
Hi Precious. Good price on the chicken. I am going shopping tomorrow. Kroger has a better sale this week. I will report the highlights after I go.
I hadn’t heard about the ziploc bags, but think we have plenty since I bought at Costco recently. I did hear that some kitty litter is supposed to be in short supply today so told hubby to go get some at Menards this weekend for the winter. Golly, you would think we lived in a third world country. I don’t ever remember shortages of things until the pandemic.
Speaking of such, I read this evening in AP that the free Covid tests are going to be available from the government again starting next Monday. FYI in case you or your readers are in need.
Hubby got home from Denver this afternoon. I ate leftovers while he was gone, so didn’t have any eating out expense.
Hi Chris,
I can’t wait to see your deals.
These shortages are starting to get really serious too.
Thanks for the tip on the free Covid tests.
I am glad that Hubby got home safely. Good job eating those leftovers.
Ok, I got my groceries. Wow, it was a great week at Kroger. They are having a .99 sale on lots of things. Some, I don’t use, but I did buy multiples of the following: peanut butter, blocks of cream cheese, bread, pillsbury cake mixes, frozen veggies, Campbells soup and Jello pudding, big box. They also had a good deal on big boxes of cereal, BOGO on Tyson whole chickens (~.90 lb) and I had coupons for other things I bought, including a free dozen eggs. I also had $$ off coupons totaling $36 from the Kroger fresh mode program. I spent $85.61 and saved $127.70, a 69% savings. I got 58 items. I was really, really happy with my trip.
Hi Chris,
Nice score at Kroger. OOH, $ .90 per lb. chickens! I thought I was doing well getting $ 1.14 lb. ones. I would be very happy too with that savings! Congrats! I am about to write a new post. I have been canning since 11am. So while this load is finishing, I have some time.