I still have not gone grocery shopping. I am hoping to do that today. Our week that wasn’t too busy has turned into a very busy week.
The company who we hired came out on Monday to check out our A/C. We have a leak. We had the man give us an estimate of what it would cost to find the leak. It was $1400. plus about $160. for the freon after they fix the leak. So $1560. + tax to fix it. Since our central A/C is 13 years old, we asked him what it would cost to replace the unit. The repairman gave us an estimate range but he said he would have to have a sales person come out to give us that. He came out about dinner time. That estimate was $6,000. + tax after giving us a cash discount. Plus there is a Federal Tax credit of about $1400. for 2023. Since this unit is almost at the end of it’s life, Hubby and I discussed what to do. The unit we have is a 13 seer. The manufacturers’ no longer make them. They have a few in stock but that was it. That sent up a red flag to us that if we replaced it with a 13 seer that they have in stock, how long would they continue to make the parts to repair them.
Since Hubby is an engineer, he discussed the seers of the units with the guy. Hubby determined that we would go with a 16 seer because it also qualifies for the Federal tax credit for 2023. It will be much more efficient than the one we have especially since the one we have Hubby had noted had slowed down last year. It took a lot longer to get the temperature where we wanted it. The price they quoted us was for the 16 seer. With utility prices up, an efficient unit is important to us. It will save us money in the long run and will be a selling point if we decide to ever sell our home.
It was important to me to ask the guy when they could install it. It is getting hotter here and we do not do well with humidity. They had one opening on Friday. I was relieved because we were thinking it could take weeks. So we have contracted for the new unit.
We are well aware that when they replace the coil in the furnace, they may find that the box is cracked. If that is the case, we will have to replace the furnace. That would be about another $6,000. plus tax. I believe there is a Federal Tax credit for the furnace if it needs to be replaced also. Hubby will be in the basement with the installers when they put the new coil in so he will know if it is cracked or not. We are praying that is isn’t. But if it is, we will do what we have to do.
I am often asked why we continue to be frugal. This is why. Things break and have to be replaced or repaired. If we had not saved our entire lives, we would be left having to finance these things and we hate debt! Debt brings stress and we wanted a carefree, stress free life in retirement. So if you are planning your retirement, account for repairs and replacements for your house and to replace your car when need be. The cheapest way to do that is by paying cash. You can usually get a cash discount if you ask and by not financing, you are saving all of that interest.
I also wanted to let you know that we got our electric and gas bill yesterday. Last year’s bill was $145.93. This year we used 11 less kilowatt hours in electricity and 1 therm more of natural gas due to the furnace being on longer due to how cold it has been here this spring. Hopefully it is now off permanently.
This years bill was $129. 24. A lot less but the bill was for 4 days less than the same 2022 bill. We have also been doing everything we can to keep our usage down.
Now I am off to the grocery store.
7 replies on “A Little Of This And A Little Of That”
Hi Precious. I hope you get some good deals on your grocery shopping. Since it is Memorial Day weekend I am sure your stores have good sales like ours do. I did my usual Thursday morning grocery shopping today since I will have older granddaughter all day tomorrow and she said she didn’t want to go. I stocked up on grilling meat, so decided to get buns and corn on the cob to have a cookout tomorrow when the family comes. Got lots of produce, some ice cream novelties, eggs (1.89/doz), a big package of Capri Sun for when we host the neighborhood happy hour next week, and some other things. Stocked on cheese and Sweet Baby Ray’s BBQ sauce since they were loss leaders this week.
A few months ago I was able to join a new app for Kroger called Fresh Mode. I am not sure if it is a regional program or not. It is better for me than the gas points b/c I only fill up every 3-4 weeks. I save my points throughout the month and redeem them the end of the next month for different digital coupons. Last night I used my points from April and got the following digital coupons that all came off my order today: $10, $5, $3 off any order, $6 off meat, $4.50 off Kroger brand items. I am saving my May points to use the end of June and hoping it will overlap with the July 4 sale.
With all of my discounts, I paid $91.xx and saved $96.xx. I only bought things we would use or needed. I was very happy with my trip.
I think your utility bill was great. I will report ours when they come in.
Hi Chris,
I did get some deals. I will post them very soon.
Nice shopping trip! Those Kroger digital coupons were terrific!I am glad that you were able to take advantage of them.
I will be really interested in your utility bill.
Precious, this is very bad news. Wow. I couldn’t survive expenses like this (we will need a new roof in 10 years at a cost of $30K. hopefully I’ll either be dead by then or we have sold and moved out! LOL!)
My husband did all the installations in our modular home. He bought and installed our heating system, water purification system, hot water tank and all the electricity etc. etc. etc. We just have to buy the equipment/parts at wholesale prices. Even though we live in a Cape Cod style home, we just live on the first floor. The 2nd floor is for guests whenever they arrive, which is very rare. Our basement is just for storage. So, technically we live in just 4 rooms. Since it’s a modular home it’s built very well and very well insulated. The walls are straight! We need and use just 2 air conditioners. One in the living room and one in the bedroom (I shut the LR at night when we go to sleep and shut the bedroom door.) Each unit is around 6,000 BTUs and highly efficient with an eco setting. I rarely see a change in our electric bill ($122 a month). All the bedroom have ceiling fans and the LR has an oscillating fan for those days in the 80s. We use the a/c when it hits 90s.
Kudos to you and your husband for even being able to afford to pay these bills. We couldn’t do it. Well, we could so let me re-phrase. I don’t want to do it!! Frugal for sure!
Hi Cindi,
Roofing is expensive too. When we had some wind damage a few years it was $4,000 for one section that they had to replace. Fortunately we only had to pay $1,000. because that was our deductible. At that time, we asked the roofers what it would have cost to roof the entire thing and they said $30,000. That was at least 4 years ago. I can’t even imagine what it would cost now. Yikes. We have a huge roof because of the design and 2 different rooms with cathedral ceilings. So I think you and I better make sure we are saving for it.
You are lucky that your Hubby could do all of that. He saved you a bloody fortune, We are a bit older than you guys and Hubby just can’t do as many DIY’s anymore.
Your home sounds cozy! We too have ceiling fans in 4 rooms and use them when we don’t need the A/C. But if we have any bad humid days the A/C is on all the time. I really miss the AZ dryness.
I hear you on the don’t want to! We each do our own things frugally that are important to us. And I thank the Lord that we had the foresight to save for these expenses.
God provides.
Hi Precious, we got our gas and electric bills finally. Both together were $148.77, so more than yours. Our electric company recently received an almost 30% rate hike request for everyone and this bill was the first month.
Hi Chris,
Yikes! We had a rate increase too. These increases on everything is like adding insult to injury with inflation.