Hubby made homemade shower cleaner since our bottle was getting low. He makes it using 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide, 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol, 1 tsp. Dawn dish soap, 1 Tbsp. vinegar, and 3 cups of water.
Hubby refilled my homemade eye glass cleaner using 3 parts rubbing alcohol and 1 part water.
Hubby’s birthday was last week. I got him his favorite carrot cake at the bakery and then asked him what dinner he wanted me to make. He wanted meatloaf. He loves it and I hate it. But I will tolerate it on his birthday. I think he likes the leftover meatloaf sandwiches even better. It was an easy dinner for me to make along with mashed potatoes and a veggie.
My 2023 planner came and is just as beautiful as the one I have been using this year. Over the years I have used many different planners but this is the only one that I have purchased 2 years in a row now. It is the best one that I have ever used. The layout is perfect for me. The best part is that I had a $10.00 off coupon using my PPP rewards to defray the cost.
Hubby ended up eating the leftover tater tots for brunch one day. I froze the leftover rice to put in a future soup.
I purchased 2 packages of celery and 2 -2 lb. bags of carrots on B1G1F sales. I also got 2 cucumbers for our salads for $1.00 each.
I purchased a large chuck roast for $ 5.99 a lb. I cut it into 2 pieces, I made beef stew in the crock pot on Thursday for dinner. I used the beef, whole potatoes, onions, fresh celery and, carrots. We had biscuits with it also. There was enough left for 2 more nights. The 2nd piece went into the freezer for the next time I make beef stew.
Our loaf of bread is almost gone, so I will be making another one today. My bread maker is getting a workout these days.
We picked the rest of our tomatoes and took the plants out of the pots. That is it for this year. We will be having diced up fresh tomatoes and cottage cheese for the next few lunches.
I washed some sheets and towels this week. Since I was going to dry them in the dryer, I made sure to set the spin cycle to high. The more water that was taken our of this wash, the less time I had to run the dryer.
Last post I told you how Hubby fixed the humidifier after the man who came out to tune up our furnace for the season told him he needed a new valve. What I neglected to tell you is that, the valve was going to cost us $175. So by Hubby doing the repair on this which ended up only being a clogged tube, we did not have to spend that money. Since we now have our heat on, the humidifier is working perfectly.
Lastly, I filled the car up with gasoline getting $ .20 off a gallon with points that I earned at Top’s.
What have you been doing to keep more money in your pocket?
6 replies on “Frugal Things That We Have Done The Last Week Or So”
Precious, what bread do you make in your bread maker? What’s the recipe? I’m always looking for new ideas.
I don’t know if we saved any money this past week. I bought a bread maker, instant pot and a new smallish microwave in the last 2 weeks so I don’t think I saved any money (despite getting all three appliances at great prices). It was just one of those weeks where it all came together and it was time. To spend.
I make plain old white bread and Hubby makes cinnamon bread. Nothing fancy. Here is the white bread we make: http://www.breadman.com/Recipes/Classic-Breads.aspx?pageNum=1
We don’t like wheat bread. The cinnamon bread is here: https://passionatepennypincher.com/bread-machine-cinnamon-bread/
I hear you on the spending but these appliances will save you a lot of energy costs.
Saving energy costs was my primary goal. Fingers crossed it works. Thx for the recipes.
You are welcome!
Hi Precious, we are home now so I can comment. First of all, our gas and electric bills totaled $133.79 this month. We have not gotten the water bill yet.
It was not a very frugal week here. We traveled to Hubby’s college reunion and met up with some of his college buddies and their wives. A couple of dinners eaten out and we also took his mom out for lunch. Also gas for the trip. We did have a wonderful time, though. This time we stayed with his dad and stepmom. All his folks are in their early/mid 80s now and I know we are so fortunate to still have them. His step dad died around the same time as my dad around 2010.
I also am continuing my Christmas shopping, but that has already been budgeted for in our sinking fund. I will be transferring the money soon for it to our regular account. We talked earlier in the year and decided to budget an extra $500 for Christmas this year and I am glad we did with all of the inflation.
Hi Chris,
I am so glad that you are home safely! Your trip was well worth the time and money. Family and friends are what is most important.
Yeah on being smart enough to budget more for Christmas.