We signed up for a free year of Peacock TV compliments of our cable company. I watched the movie “Downton Abbey: A New Era”. I didn’t want to pay to see it at the theater so this worked out perfectly. So check your cable company and see if they offer any kind of a deal like this. Of course you know I will cancel it before they renew me. We also watched all four seasons of “Yellowstone”. We are anxious for the new season.
We water our tomatoes and flowers every other day. There have been a few days of rain recently when we didn’t have to which saves on our water bill. We have had at least one tomato a day for either lunch or dinner. They are so good this year. Some of the flowers get cut and brought into the house.
My B.J.’s membership that I got for $25. for one year is expiring on August 30. I noticed that they had me set up to automatically renew. I will be cancelling before then. I don’t need it now that I purchased a membership to Sam’s Club for $4.99 for one year.
Beef tips are one of my favorite meals. I had a bag of filet mignon trimmings in the freezer. I took it out and threw it in the crockpot along with the other ingredients. When it got thawed, I pulled the pieces out to see if they needed to be cut up into smaller chunks. I was amazed to see that the trimmings were mostly grizzle and fat. Every time we have bought a whole tenderloin, there was always plenty of meat on the trimmings. Not this time! So I got the little bit of meat off that I could and threw all of the rest out. But I was not going to be defeated. I poured all of the ingredients into a quart mason jar and put in the fridge. I have since made beef stew and it made 4 meals to eat right away plus another 4 meals I froze.
This weekend will be clean out the refrigerator meals. If it isn’t in the fridge, it isn’t getting served. I cooked up a pound of bacon so that we can have BLT salads. We had leftover spaghetti. So I cut it into pieces and froze it for soup. Blueberries that haven’t been eaten will be frozen. Cold cuts will be finished in wraps.
There was nothing at Aldi’s this past week that I wanted or needed. At Top’s they had Oscar Mayer Bacon on sale for B1G1F. I got 2. I also picked up some romaine lettuce. There was nothing else that interested me.
One of our gasoline cans was leaking when Hubby was filling up the mower. He looked at it and realized that it did not have a gasket. So he purchased one and repaired it. It works just fine now.
As I am clearing the clutter out our home, I am making a pile of books and other things to sell. We have an entire cabinet of frugality books, cookbooks, and bins of things we are not using. Time to get rid of them all!
Hubby changed all of the 9 volts in our smoke and carbon dioxide detectors. There is nothing that annoys me more than getting woken up in the middle of the night with them chirping.
One of the connectors on our hose broke. Hubby found another one in the garage and replaced it. Now I can wash our SUV today.
We have been enjoying sitting on our patio. The trees that we planted 12 years ago are giving us great shade now. Between those and the large patio umbrella we got for one end of the patio, we can be in the shade all day.
The heat wave has finally broken here so we are down in the high 70’s during the day. We turned the A/C off a few days ago. We keep the shades and blinds closed on the sunny windows so the house has stayed at 72. At night, we open the windows to cool the house off.
We thoroughly enjoyed watching our Buffalo Bills play their first preseason game yesterday. We won. It was tough going because our coach played our second and third strings against the Colts first string. But that way the coach could get a better idea of who is staying and who will get cut. Plus we don’t risk the chance of anyone on our first string getting injured.
We are having company stay with us this week and next so I don’t know when I will be posting again. Hubby is excited that he is going to see his sister and brother-in-law who live in Texas. Since they have sold their summer home on a lake in the Adirondacks, they don’t know if or when they might get back this way. So we are going to thoroughly enjoy their company while they are here. Hubby does not fly anymore so I doubt that we will go to Texas.
How have you been saving money recently?
8 replies on “Frugal Things The Past 10 Days”
Isn’t Yellowstone fantastic? Love it. On Nov 15th the series picks up again. Can’t wait!
We do so many things to save money that it has become second nature to us now. We don’t even think about it anymore. We just do it!
Can you believe my tomatoes are just coming in NOW??? Ugh. My veggie garden was a disappointment this year. Especially when the squirrels ate all 50 of my peaches off my peach tree! I haven’t had any energy since then. Defeated to say the least!
Hi Cindi,
Thanks for telling me when it returns. I will miss it until then.
Wow! Your tomatoes are late. We are having a bumper crop from our 4 plants. I have been picking 2-3 a day. Starting to not be able to keep up with them. So I will be canning them. I am so sorry to hear that your garden was a failure.
Those darn squirrels. The birds ate all of our cherries this year too because we were away when they ripened. But I still have some stored from last year.
Thanks so much for sharing.
You had a lot of frugal wins! Nice work. We are mostly trying to eat a lot of garden goodies, and keep on top of our food. I also used a Subway gift card, to pick up lunch for my 16 y.o, between soccer games. He adores Subway.
We continue to meal plan, make leftovers over the weekend, carpool (we do a lot of driving between the two kids), etc.
Hi HP,
How are you? Thanks! I try!
You have to love those garden goodies. We are enjoying our tomatoes and chives. I have been putting the chives in my breakfast omelets.
Carter years when gas was high and in short supply.
Thanks for sharing. It is so good to hear from you.
Hi Precious. We got our electric bill finally. So gas and electric together was $170.01 this month. It was hot in July here. That was definitely high for us, but the weather has broken for now and we turned the air off late last week like you did.
I did ok otherwise frugally last week, stayed in my grocery budget. I did have to fill my van up after going to see my mom in Indiana. She is healing from her eye surgery. Hubby did run to Taco Bell last night, we don’t do that often. I will write you what is going on. We have had a crazy week.
Hi Chris,
I am more worried Chris about the heating bills this winter. Natural gas is skyrocketing.
I hope you Mom is recovering well.
Looking forward to your e-mail.
Thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful 10 days for you! Enjoy your company.
It’s finally cooling down a bit here as well
Just the basic efforts to save where I can and very little bit helps
Hi Patti,
Thanks so much for your good wishes.
I am glad it is cooling down there too.
Every little bit does add up!