My son and West came for lunch on Sunday. He had to go to Niagara Produce to pick some items up. He brought me this package of State Fair Sausage as a gift. His family loves it. The sausage has cheese, peppers, and onions inside it. These sausages are so big that one for each of us is the proper portion. I cooked two of them for dinner on Monday night and they were so delicious. I will be picking these up at NP when I go there.
Lately, my gas stove top would not light with the electronic ignition. When I needed to use a burner, I would have to light it. Hubby did some research and found that it was most likely a problem with the ignition harness. So he ordered one: https://www.amazon.com/ForeverPRO-316580615-Harness-Frigidaire-PS3409151/dp/B082KK8VCM/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1IKP9OTSHOQLY&keywords=ps3409151&qid=1644959112&sprefix=ps3409151%2Caps%2C349&sr=8-1
While my son was here, he and Hubby installed it. It took a while to take it apart to get it to where they could install the new part. But my burners are all now working like the stove is new. By doing it themselves they saved us all of the labor charges and the mark up on the part.
I only ran errands one day this week to conserve on gasoline. Our gasoline here is down $ .04 a gallon so we are paying $ 4.36 a gallon. But I am sure it will be headed up again. I picked up on sale pasta, eggs, bacon, and diet soda while I was out. I still buy Diet Coke for Hubby when I can find a good price in my area. I got a 24 pack for $7.99. When it is not on sale, he just drinks iced tea or water. The eggs were $ .99. The bacon was $ 4.99 and the pasta was $ 1.00.
I have been doing some organizing and cleaning around here this week. I have been using things that we already have in our home in the way of organizers, boxes, and cleaning products.
Hubby and I are wanting to put in another garden with a Japanese maple, some shrubs and some perennials in our backyard. We are also going to have some repair work done on our patio and a new wall built to protect our grill from the wind. We may have a new garden put in around our shed also. So we spent a day getting estimates done.
This week for dinners, I cooked the State Fair sausages, roasted chicken legs in the air fryer, made jambalaya with two jalapeno sausages and air fried some pork chops. Tonight we are getting fish fries from our favorite place just 5 minutes from us. We try to do this during Lent. We only order the fish fries, no sides. The fish are so huge that we don’t need sides and they make two meals for each of us. But the last couple of weeks they have been giving us French fries with them. They are some of the best French fries that we have ever had.
Well that is all we did to save some money this week. What have you done?
2 replies on “What We Have Been Up To The Last Few Days”
Hi Precious. Looks like you had a good week. I wanted to mention about last weekend when I had some Kohls cash and got a few little things for our granddaughters with it. The same trip I stopped by Once Upon a Child to see if they had any princess dresses to buy for our upcoming Disney trip. I hit the jackpot and found 2 for older granddaughter and 1 for little granddaughter. They were each $12, which I thought was great. I asked about the return policy before I bought. This was a good thing since one of the dresses didn’t fit older granddaughter. I took it back later in the week.
I saved money this week by getting my free prescription at Meijer and getting my hair cut at Great Clips. We have good people at our GC. I also stocked up on toilet paper and sugar at Kroger. I bought more sugar than I usually stock up on b/c we will be making freezer jam for the year when the strawberries come on in May/June. It was 1.27 for 4 lb and the TP was 3.97 for 12 double rolls of Kroger TP. Otherwise, I just bought the normal things.
We are leaving today to visit our elderly parents in the next state over for a few days.
I am so sorry Chris that I haven’t been able to reply to you until now. Yeah on the Disney dresses! Great price! I loved Once Upon a Child when we lived in AX. I purchased many things for our granddaughter there when she was an infant.
I am happy that you all had a great time at Disney!
You had a good money saving week too.