In the middle of this week our Keurig K Supreme Plus stopped working- no power at all! I was so sad because I love my coffee. I also was not happy because the one year warranty expired in mid- December. It made me wonder why so many things are breaking so quickly these days.
Being the organized person that I am, I knew that my last Keurig was in a box in the basement. It had started making noises which is why we purchased this one. So I grabbed it, cleaned it, and set it up so that we could have coffee.
I asked Hubby if I should start looking for a new one. He told me to wait to see if he could fix it. He started researching a fix and found one on You Tube that he thought might work:
It took him a day or so to work on it. It was hard to get the pot apart to where he needed to reset it. He got there and used a paper clip to reset it. But before he put it all back together, he plugged it in to see if it had power. It did. It is now working perfectly again on our kitchen counter.
I had researched online to buy another one of these pots and the lowest prices I could find was $168. at Amazon and $ 159.99 at Walmart. So Hubby saved us a fortune by doing a bit or research and work to fix it.

All of our meals except one were cooked at home including this delicious breakfast: Eggs, turkey bacon, a slice of homemade cinnamon bread.
I picked up some bread flour($ 3.12), canned Angus beef chili, body wash, foundation makeup (1/2 price at Walmart), potatoes, cucumbers, etc. at the best prices I could find this week.
We conserved our electricity and natural gas the best we could this past week and all month. I submitted the readings and I am awaiting my bill. I will let you know how we did when we get it.
I have made out my grocery list for Top’s this coming week. There was nothing in the Aldi ad or Niagara Produce Specials that interested me. I only need a few things at Top’s.
We are making homemade French Bread pizzas for dinner tonight using a loaf of French bread that I got on reduced price for $.77 at Walmart. Hubby gets the day off from bread making to watch basketball.
We got our second set of Free Covid tests delivered by USPS.
What did you do frugally this past week?
4 replies on “Frugal Things We Have Done This Past Week”
Hi Precious! I didn’t realize you had gotten a Keurig. We still don’t have one, I had decided it wasn’t worth it for us. We just have an inexpensive Mr Coffee for now. I will reevaluate when it breaks down. I am glad your hubby could fix.
This week I mostly stayed out of the stores. Today I needed milk and bread so went over to get at Kroger. I always check the clearance when I visit and today they had a large size of Tide, 100 loads, for 5.99 so I snatched it up. I know you make your own, but I have not tried since hubby is allergic to everything I have tried except Tide. So I get it on deals. They also had brown eggs for $1/doz and some of the packages of sliced cheese for sandwiches for 1.19 and 1.79, so I got a few of these also.
I am not sure if I have mentioned on your blog, but I had made an appointment recently at the bank with the nice woman there who helps me with our accounts when I have a question. She showed me how to do the online bill pay. We got some of it set up and I know how to add accounts as they come in. This will help save on postage. I guess it was time I got with the 21st century. LOL!
I made hubby’s corned beef and cabbage for St Patrick’s Day. Yesterday I had little granddaughter all day and she was pretty clingy, so we got some veggie pizzas from MOD pizza nearby for supper b/c I was so tired. If you have one of these stores nearby, I would recommend trying it. We have leftovers for the rest of the weekend. When little granddaughter went home, she had another fever. Daughter said she was better this morning. Maybe teeth?
Hi Chris,
Yes, we have had one for years. I think this is our third one. We won’t be so quick to throw them out like we did the first one when they die.
That is a great price for eggs right now.
Congrats on the bill pay. It will save you a lot of postage.
Yum on your St. Patty’s Day dinner. I hope your granddaughter feels better soon.
It definitely wasn’t our most frugal week, but we:
-Had our taxes redone (first year using an accountant, but we had an out of state home sale, and wanted to get it right), to drop our taxes by quite a bit & do married filed jointly. Paid a bit extra to the accountant, but well worth it by how much we saved.
-Used a store coupon to get oat milk for $1. I prefer almond milk, but oat milk has been so cheap lately with special offers, and makes fantastic smoothies for the kids.
-Used a $1 reward at the boba shop. The boys & their friends love boba tea (I am not a fan). I bought a gift card for a birthday, & apparently earned a reward. On my son’s birthday, he requested boba after dinner, and lo & behold, I had a reward thanks to the gift card purchase.
-Made muffins with homemade applesauce from the freezer.
Hi HP,
Accountants certainly are worth their weight in gold. Glad they saved you some money. Wow! That is a great price on oat milk.
Score on that boba.
Yum on the muffins.
It was nice to hear from you. My best to you and your family.