On Tuesday, I went and paid my property taxes and filled up my car with gasoline. I paid $ 3.26 a gallon after using $ .20 off in points from Top’s supermarket. All errands were run in a circle so as to save on gasoline.
On Monday, I gave Hubby the last 24 pack of Diet Coke that we had in the house. I told him unless I can get it at a good sale price, I am not buying it anymore. So after I got gasoline, I walked into the market. They showed 12 packs of Diet Coke on sale for B2G2F. But as usual, It turned out to not be a good deal. Each 12 pack worked out to be about $ 6.90 each. I am not paying that for colored, flavored bubbly water. I am keeping a a list now of all the things I will not buy because I deem the prices too high! Red meat with the exception of on sale organic grass fed beef at Aldi’s comes to mind. I have buy prices that I will not go beyond.
We have Crystal Light, many teas, coffee, diet juices, Gatorade Zero, etc. in our home so he has plenty of choices besides soda. There is always water that we can flavor or put lemon slices in also.

Yesterday, Hubby took most of the meat off the bone and I added it to the beans that I had soaked overnight. Then I added chicken broth, a lot of spices, and extra ham, and made bean soup in my Instant Pot. Hubby loved it. We will be having it again tonight for dinner.

Breakfast this morning was fried ham and 2 eggs over easy. Yes, we are trying to use up most of the ham. Hubby did cut quite a huge portion off to be sliced sometime in the future. I froze it. Fortunately, we like ham so we don’t mind eating it many days in a row which goes along with our plan of not wasting any food.
Yesterday I cleaned up the fridge and mopped the kitchen floor. Today, while Hubby was out for two appointments, I cleaned the bathrooms, changed the towels and restocked the toilet paper. I still have to collect the trash to get it ready to be picked up tomorrow. I am also working on reorganizing a pantry.
We may or may not get snow today. South of us is supposed to get over a foot but it is not clear as to whether we will get none or 2-4 inches. The snowblower is tanked up and ready to go in case they are way off on their predictions.
We will be watching our shows that Hubby DVRed this week this afternoon. I love the NCIS’s and the FBI’s but I hate commercials. So he fast forwards through them.
I hope you all have a great day. I am curious. What are you not buying now because the price is too high?
10 replies on “I won’t pay…………”
I wanted to make beans and ham hocks – 2 hamhocks cost $9.00. I remember when they were cheap. I also saw a large section of the meat department as well as the frozen department with soup bones. I haven’t seen that much ever. Everyone going back to the old ways.
Hi Debby,
Yikes on the price on those ham hocks. I wonder if the soup bones are reasonably priced. I have will have to check. Believe it or not, when I was first married, the soup bones were free for the asking. The old ways were the way to save money. I think the world has gotten away from them.
Thanks for sharing.
We gave up soda awhile ago (well, more like 15 years ago), and haven’t missed it. I do have it on international work trips (one/day), as it’s free at work, and I’m always so jet lagged. It’s my special treat then.
Both of the kids love sparkling (flavored) water, & would drink a lot of it after sports practice. It got really expensive. I bought them a Sodastream as a Christmas gift this year. Much cheaper, better for the environment, & will hopefully pay for itself in a bit.
My favorite tea is currently really expensive, so I’m waiting for a sale, and drinking what’s available in my pantry for now.
Hi Hawaii Planner,
I did but Hubby didn’t. He is now though.
I always wondered it the Sodastream would be cost effective. You will have to let me know what you think. Thanks for sharing.
I think if it were just us adults, I’m on the fence on cost effectiveness. However, the teens have habits, like opening cans & not finishing them, etc. They also drink a LOT more than we would alone.
Hi HP,
Thanks for sharing.
Bacon… I’m not paying 8.99 for a pkg of OM Center Cut (its all we will eat) I remember when I got it for 3.99 and had 2 pieces every morning. WE don’t have Aldi’s or any warehouse stores here anyway so we just have to wait or do without.
Hi Patti,
Our bacon here is up to $13.49 a lb. I have quit buying it also. I have also found that bacon cooks up weird. I don’t know what they are putting in it these days. We have a few lbs. and I am rationing it. I tried to get some real bacon bits on my Walmart delivery but they were out of stock.
Hi Precious. I am trying to think of something I am not buying b/c of cost and the way I shop, I can’t really think of anything big off hand? I have cut back on how much soda pop and red meat I buy, but I do still buy when it is on sale. The only thing I can really think of, is that I would like to buy a new winter coat, but have not seen anything yet that I am willing to pay the price. My every day coat needs to be replaced, but I still have a church coat.
Hi Chris,
Thanks for sharing. Have you looked at Lands End for a coat. They usually have 40 or 50% off coupons this time of year.