After two funerals in the past week in our extended family, I need some normalcy in my life. So it was time to get back to posting.

These are the things that we have done recently to save money in our household:
- After a funeral service in a city about two hours away from our home yesterday, we took the scenic route on our way home. It took no longer than taking the Thruway and saved us $ 4.34 in tolls. I am always amazed at how beautiful New York state is.
- We did not stay for the luncheon afterwards because Hubby’s back was not good yesterday. So we left right after the service. Our plan was to pick up some fast food to eat in the car on the way home. We had not eaten breakfast and when we left the church it was going on 1PM. However, we ended up driving straight home and just ate some leftovers about 3:30pm. We planned to go to Subway later to get wraps for a late dinner but neither of us was hungry.
- But this morning, we were ravenous. So I ran to Panera and got bagels. It was Tuesday discount day so they only cost $ 6.99 for a dozen. I still have 3 gift cards that I purchased on a discount almost 4 years ago. So I paid with one of those. BTW, for those of you who followed me when I was on the Keto diet for 2 years, I got very bored with it. I needed a new plan. So I count calories every day and try to stay under 1400. The bagels are pictured above after Hubby ate one and I had a half of one. Hubby wanted cinnamon cream cheese but I can’t find it anywhere since Covid started. So I purchased a container of cream cheese and he made his own again for about the fourth time. He says it is better than store bought.
- While I was out, I stopped at Top’s for a few things since it was 6% off your total bill Senior Discount Day. We got a lot of produce, Kosher salt to make pickles, and milk that was needed.
- I also filled our car up with gas since we used almost all of it yesterday. The price at the pump was $ 3.09.9. But after Top’s points I was able to get $.50 off a gallon which brought the price down to $2.59.9 per gallon.
- Hubby ordered what he thought was the replacement filters for our air cleaner in the master bedroom. When he got them, it was the generic that you have to cut to fit. He just traced the old one and he was able to get 4 filters out of one pad. We had purchased two so we got 8 filters instead of just 2. Nothing like stumbling on a bargain to make us happy.
- Hubby asked our landscape company to do some lawn work. They already do all of our weeding and gardens and fertilize the lawn. But we have some areas on the side of the house where crap grass had taken over. Also the town reseeded the area of our lawn that they dug up to fix the water pipe. They used cheap rye grass and it was full of weeds. Our grass is a mix of blue grasses. So we wanted those areas redone. The landscape company sent us an $1100. estimate. I told Hubby to go for it. But Hubby said no. He is going to do the work himself in the Fall. He felt their estimate was too high for the work he wanted done. I guess that will save us most of the $1100. since we already have plenty of blue grass seed.
- We got our July natural gas and electric bill and it was for the exact same number of days as last July. Since that time we have had a rate increase. We used a lot more electric than last year but the same amount of natural gas. However the bill was about $ 10. less than last year’s. I was very happy about that!
- Lastly, we had enough points to get a $100. cashback reward that will show on our next credit card bill.
Hubby and I were looking at our net worth yesterday and realized that we are almost to another new milestone. So we are saving like crazy to reach it. So you will see a lot of money saving posts the rest of the summer right up to the end of winter so that we can reach that goal.
Feel free to leave a comment and share with us what you have been doing to be frugal and let your savings add up!
8 replies on “Frugal Things We Have Done Recently”
Hi AD. Hubby and I are at my mom’s this week. We are helping with her move to assisted living. I will try to respond, but don’t worry if it is not until next week. All is ok so far.
Hi Chris,
I hope her move goes well.
WordPress & blogger haven’t been friends, so I’ve had challenges commenting lately.
So sorry to hear about the funerals. Hope your family is doing as well as can be expected after that.
We’ve been doing our standard frugal stuff: eating from the garden, meal planning, selling bits & bobs on eBay, I picked up used mailing envelopes on Buy Nothing, using Fetch for receipts, etc. Nothing big, but all moving us in the right direction. Oh, and we should have our mortgage paid off in the next week or so, which is a HUGE milestone for us! Very excited about that
Hi HP,
I am so sorry that you have had trouble with Word Press. Thanks. Our family is well. What did you plant this year? I just have tomatoes and they are doing well but so late ripening this year. Wow! Be sure to celebrate paying off your mortgage! That is a huge accomplishment!
Electric went down 60.00 and I have no idea why but not complaining.
Filed for reimbursement of eye dr visit and new glasses for DH
Planned a trip to moms and found enough GC’s in my desk to cover the trip and the UBER I have to take from the airport.
Hi Patti,
$60. is wonderful! Congrats!!! Nice score on the trip GC’S! I hope you have a great trip and enjoy the time with your MOM.
Sorry for your losses. Our electric bill was down a little over $8 this month compared to last year. No rate increase, so it was lower usage.
Thank you! Yeah on the lower electric usage. Every little bit helps in these days of things costing so much more.