My granddaughter went home on Saturday. We drove her to Syracuse to meet her Mom. She is a delightful teenager now and we so enjoyed her company. This past week we did spend some money to entertain her. She loves car trips. So she worked out three trips within 150 miles of our home. She described each of them to us: where we were going and for what. She told us she really liked trip # 2. So did Hubby and I. So we ventured south to Olean, Porterville, and Ellicottville. The scenery was breathtaking. It is ski country. We drove through Olean to Porterville to go to Sprague’s Maple Farms. We had lunch in their restaurant which was quite beautiful. They also raise organic turkeys so I could not pass up their hot turkey sandwich for my lunch. The turkey was so tender and delicious. It may be worth a trip down there again to pick up an ordered turkey for Thanksgiving. Then we continued on to Ellicottville to Watson’s Chocolates before we went home. It was a fun day for all of us.
West is coming on Thursday and will be here this time until Sunday evening. I am writing up a list of things to do to keep him busy. He has lots of energy.

Now on to the things we have been doing to save money:
- Pictured are our four tomato plants. They are getting really big and have lots of flowers.

- We even have some small tomatoes on them. Since tomatoes, which we love, are so expensive this year, these plants will save us quite a bit of money.
- Since we have had lots of rain, we have not had to water for the past 10 days or so. That will save us some money on the water bill.
- The majority of our meals we made from scratch while our granddaughter was here. We did go out to dinner on our wedding anniversary.
- I picked up my new denture at my dentist this morning. Those of you who have been around a while know all the trouble I have had with it breaking in half. Well, it happened again for the third time while West was here a couple of weeks ago. It seems that other people who use that lab have also been having trouble. So a new denture was made for me using the most expensive material they use for them. The material is also flexible. So there is no chance of it breaking while I eat. The lab and my dentist ate the cost. But I have spent a lot of time in the dentist chair the last couple of years so it was the least they could do. Hopefully this is the fix.
- We have used a lot of gasoline the past week or so. It had been $3.05.9 per gallon. It goes up so rapidly, that I fill up when it gets to a half tank. So when we got back from our trip, it was just about empty. I filled up again at $ 3.09.9 a gallon. I filled up again when we got home from taking my granddaughter to Syracuse. I also picked up Hubby’s prescriptions at the same time to try to make this tank of gas last a lot longer. Fortunately, I had Top’s gas points to help defray the cost. But I am now out of them. I noticed today that the price has gone up to $3.13.9 a gallon. What are you guys paying for gasoline?

- This was my deal of the month that I found today. Top’s had a Super Coupon for $ 4.99 for Smithfield bacon which I will not buy for two reasons. The first being that it is awful bacon and the second that the company is owned by China. I like to keep a few pounds in the refrigerator but I was getting low. So even knowing that I wouldn’t buy the Smithfield, I ventured over to the bacon to see what else might be on sale. Well, the Hatfield was on sale but that bacon is even worse than Smithfield’s Then I saw this Jimmy Dean’s. That and Oscar Mayer are my favorites. But my grocery store and Walmart are always out of stock on the Oscar Mayer. The Jimmy Dean is always $9.99 a lb. I looked down at the shelf and it looked like it was on sale for $4.99 a lb. No, that must be a mistake. I looked at the shelf to make sure the label I was reading was the Jimmy Dean. It was! So I picked up a package to see what might be wrong with it. It looked fine and had about a 5 week expiration date. I purchased these 4 packages and I will now have plenty of bacon to make BLT’s when my tomatoes ripen.
- I continue to watch our water, electric, and natural gas consumption. I will conserve wherever I can. I believe the bills will continue to rise and that we have will have astronomical bills this winter especially if we have a colder than normal winter.
- I am buying Keystone canned meats. They are ready to eat and can be used in so many recipes. There are only two ingredients in the can. They are all natural and have no preservatives. The only one I can’t find is the turkey. But we love all of the ones we have tried: beef, ground beef, chicken and pork. It has now gotten to the point that it is cheaper to buy meat in the can rather than fresh. So we will continue to eat the meat in our freezer but buy the canned meats when they are cheaper. Keystone is a 4th generation family owned business in Ohio.
That is about all that is going on here. We have just been very, very busy with grandchildren. After West leaves on Sunday night, I will be free until he comes again for a week the end of August. So I should be posting more often.
What have you guys done to save money recently? Feel free to tell us in a comment.
4 replies on “Frugal Things We Have Done Recently”
Hi AD! So glad you had a good visit with your granddaughter. Things here have been busy the past few weeks getting ready for our little granddaughter’s first birthday. We were fortunate that some of our out of town family were able to come. Hubby was on vacation the week before they came and helped me get the house ready for overnight visitors. His garden is doing well. We have already had many cherry tomatoes and a few regular ones. Hubby has made several containers of pickles from his cucumbers. He picked a bunch of green beans that I will make tomorrow when the kids come. He also picked some jalapeños but hasn’t made anything with them yet.
I went to look at the bacon I bought last week and it was Smithfield. Yikes! It was on sale last week at Kroger. I bought the thick cut for BLTs. I wish I had read your comments before I bought it. I got gas while I was out and it was 2.95/gal here. I am like you and fill up at 1/2 tank.
I have never heard of the Keystone canned meats but will check and see if we have here. Thanks for mentioning.
Hi Chris,
Happy Birthday to your granddaughter!Your weather must be way ahead of us. Enjoy those tomatoes. I love homemade pickles. Unfortunately, my son did not plant a garden this year so no pickles here. He made the best pickles. Filling up at 1/2 tank is the way to do it. I am seeing in some states that gas pumps are empty. They are saying it is a lack of truckers. I don’t know. But I am comfortable knowing we have gasoline.
FYI: Do you have a Shop Rite near you? If so, watch their sales because every few weeks they put the Jimmy Dean bacon on sale for only $1.99!!! I think they limit you to 4 but next time it goes on sale I’m going to stock up. Bacon prices are through the rook….some like $7.99!!!!
I’ve been shopping the loss leaders at Shop Rite plus getting my basics at Aldi (milk, bread, eggs). Some recent sales @Shop Rite: London Broil for only $1.99 a pound, ditto for chopped turkey. Unfortunately, they limit the sale to only 1 per customer. I’ve had to master the art of downloading digital coupons…..but it’s been worth it. Thanks for sharing your inflation tips!!!
Hi Cindi,
We have no Shop Rite here. Thanks for the tip! Wow, $ 1.99 is fantastic! You are doing great with those digital coupons!