Our neighbor owns a a bakery in our little town. Hubby loves their blueberry muffins. He says they are the best he has ever eaten. So I went up and purchased these 4 and surprised him. He will enjoy them over the weekend.

Of course I had to get something for me to enjoy with my morning coffee. I took a bite before I remembered to take a picture. This is the best cinnamon bun that I have ever tasted.
All of this only cost $ 8.+.
But the best part was that we got to support a local business. So many small businesses are hurting right now. With all the regulations that they have on them and the new ones that the government is putting on them, I am fearful that the small businesses will be destroyed.
Small businesses have been the backbone of our country for many, many years! Yes, I know it is hard to get away from Walmart and Amazon, etc.
But we need to spend our money as much as possible to bolster small businesses especially American small business.
It is tough times for everyone today with inflation. Many people are barely holding their budgets together with the price of food, insurances, medical, gasoline and their utility bills. I understand their struggles.
But if you do go to a restaurant or small business to buy a meal or a gift, try to remember that it is the small businesses that are struggling the most.
Hubby and I rarely buy a treat these days but when we do we support people like our local family owned bakery.
It has been a busy week for us. My granddaughter and son will be coming to visit for a week shortly. So I have been getting ready for their visit. While they are here, we will be supporting a family owned restaurant.

We have also been dealing with this destruction. We contracted for an entire new driveway in April. They finally came a couple of days ago to do the work. The town dug part of our driveway up over a year ago to fix a water leak. They moved the pipe when they made the repair so that it is no longer under the driveway. But they patched the driveway and it looked awful plus it was sinking where they dug. So the company we contracted with to do the new one is also a small family local business that we are gladly supporting.