I think most people can cut costs easily so that you can get rid of that debt that is hanging over your head.

These are some of my favorite books that I have learned from over the years. Most libraries will have some of these. Borrow them and read them cover to cover. But Precious, I don’t have time. If I could read them when I had two active children, worked a full time job for a number of years, did the cooking, cleaning, and laundry, you have time.
I didn’t have the internet back then. Today you have many blogs and you tube channels that you can learn from. Find the ones you like and read them. Do your work around the house while listening to you tube. I do that while doing chores, prepping meals, and when I am walking on the treadmill. Don’t just listen to them and then have the information go in one ear and out the other. Put what you have learned into action! I know people who read and learn and then never take the time to do any of it. Why bother to learn to begin with? That just becomes a waste of your time.
I still prefer to have a book in my hand that I can pick up before bedtime and read a little every night. I have a huge collection of books that I have read over and over again. I am in the process of reading them again now in this bad economy. Then I will be giving them away one by one so that someone else will have that knowledge.
One of the cheapest ways these days to make a meal with meat is to buy hamburger. I have this book:

It was published back in 1983. I used it over and over again when my growing boys were 10 and up. It saved my budget so many times when things were tight. Keep an eye out for it at the library, on the internet, and garage sales. It is invaluable! My son is making the majority of his meals from scratch and posting them on his facebook page. I have gotten some great recipes from him. Now I will return the favor by giving him this book the next time we see each other.
So while you are looking for frugality books, don’t forget to look for those older cookbooks that have cheap recipes in them too. I still use many from WW2 and later. Those recipes are just as delicious as they were back then and will save you money today.
Do you have any frugal books that you could comment on that you use? It could be helpful to a lot of people here.