Well you know what they say about best laid plans. Sometimes, they just don’t happen. I had forgotten that yesterday was Christmas when I said I would post yesterday. I hope you all had a wonderful one.
Hubby and I were alone yesterday. So Hubby and I did not have our usual Christmas dinner. Instead we had taco bowls. Christmas dinner will be today since we have company arriving for a few days. It will be ham and all the fixings to go with it. I have to bake a pie this morning too.
Let’s get back to “Use It Up”. I would bet a lot of you have the problem of too many cleaning supplies in your home. We have way too many and have been trying to use them up the last 6 months but they seem to last forever which I guess is a good thing. I won’t have to spend any money on them for a very long time because we will concentrate on using up every bit of them.
The same goes for all of our soaps: laundry, bar soap, liquid soap, dishwasher liquid, and dish liquid. I also have a case of all natural all purpose cleaner which was gifted to us.

Speaking of gifts, my sister – in – law surprised me with a wonderful book for Christmas: “The Prepper’s Cookbook by Tess Pennington. I was delighted because it has some great recipes to use up my stockpile. They have a huge used bookstore out there in Houston and I am hoping she got it there. It’s definitely not new. She is frugal like I am which I love.
We have also been going through our clothes and donating what we don’t want anymore. I think 2025 will be a year without buying any for me. I have so many plus shoes that have never been worn. Time to wear through them. Hubby may need some things but he won’t buy anything that isn’t a real need.
Another category of items that we will not be buying this year is personal care products. We have enough deodorant, shampoo, shower soap, makeup for me, toothpaste, toothbrushes(which I use for travel and to clean), floss and other dental items to last well over 2 years(thanks to my dentist), lotions and creams, etc.
I am sure there are many other items that we won’t need to buy but I am drawing a blank right now. I will write about them as the year goes on.
I will not be posting until at least Monday since we have company and I want to enjoy every minute visiting with them.
Then I will wrap up 2024 and dive into 2025.
Do any of you plan to not buy certain things in 2025? I would love you to share in the comments so that other people can benefit from your knowledge.
2 replies on “2025 – Use It Up (continued)”
I love this use it up theme. I need constant encouragement to remember to look at the supplies/products I do have before I go shopping. It’s so easy to just add something to my shopping list, especially when it’s on sale, than to take the minute or two and go look if I have it. I was very guilty of this when I worked. But truly this is costly in the end as the unused product sits there on my shelf.
Now that I am retired and have the time, getting more organized this past year has been eye opening. Everything is in one centralized place. The office supplies are in the office, the personal care products are in one designated cabinet, the cute napkins are in one kitchen cupboard not in the linen closet. I won’t need to buy many products for a long time. Being focused will help.
My disorganization problem was compounded this year as I emptied my mother’s house after her passing. I just threw the boxes into the garage and am now just finishing that project up. I wasn’t about to throw away all those cleaners, paper goods, etc. It was much easier to add her products to mine sine mine were all localized.
Cheers to a better organized/use it up frugal 2025!
Hi smhuh,
Thank you! Happy Hew Year. I am glad I can motivate you.
I am very focused for 2025. So I hope we can help each other. I am not going to do a no spend January like so many others. The reason is there are great meat deals that month. So I will do a low spend month.
Congrats on your retirement and your organization.
I am so sorry about your mom. It’s hard to lose your mother. It was great though that you could use her stash. I a glad you didn’t throw it out.
Cheers back to you!