Brunch was eggs, avocado, and ham. Every meal that we have talked about the past couple of days that was made at home came from my winter stockpile.
The hatch liftgate support struts on our SUV stopped working a while ago. So the hatch would only go up so far and then you would have to push it up the rest of way with your hand. Otherwise you would hit your head. Hubby had gotten frustrated with it. So he ordered a pair of the struts with the rear tailgate shocks. They only cost $23.98 + sales tax. He plans on installing them himself maybe with help from one of our sons if needed. You can just imagine what the parts and the labor would cost at the dealership. After researching it, the price was $ 152. Quite a savings by doing it ourselves. They will arrive today.
Hubby went to get blood work done. Fortunately, it is covered in full by our health insurances.
I purchased 1000 Equate Tylenol because I was down to half a bottle. After some research, I found https://www.walmart.com/ip/Equate-Extra-Strength-Pain-Relief-Acetaminophen-Caplets-500-mg-2-Pack-1000-Count/766655891 for $14.96. I paid with Walmart gift cards that were free to me.
I did a load of laundry today which was sheets. They are in the dryer now with my dryer balls. They seem to take less drying time with these. Hence it takes less electricity.

Hubby made our party mix recipe. It has been passed down in his family for years. It is for Thanksgiving. We can’t have a Thanksgiving or Christmas without it. I bought everything on sale this year and used some items from last year.
We are not really hungry for dinner tonight. So we will just each have two vegetable and chicken egg rolls with mango sauce. I will air fry them in the 11 in 1 oven.
I went to Top’s to use up the coupons I wrote about on the last post. However there were no parking spaces so I turned around and came home. There was nothing I needed that badly to wait for a spot to park. So I will not be spending any grocery money this week.
Did you cut any costs today?
One reply on “Cutting Costs”
Hi Precious. We had tacos tonight. I had everything but lettuce so stopped by Kroger to get some and a gallon of milk. Not planning to go back until after Thanksgiving. We had the girls after school today and I gave them snacks we had. I did laundry today and did full loads. Kept the dryer going too.