Every Day

A Little of This and A Little of That

Here’s Eloise. She is growing bigger. She was 5 months old yesterday. It only took me 5 takes to get a picture of her standing still.

The end of the week was busy. My birthday was Friday so on Thursday night we went out to dinner at Wagner’s to celebrate both of our birthdays. Wagner’s is a family owned restaurant with good food. We decided to go on Thursday instead of Friday because Friday nights are busy because they have a fish fry special. It was an enjoyable evening.

On my actual birthday, Hubby knows that I take the day off. We had plenty of leftovers to choose from for dinner. However, you know what happens with the best laid plans. I went to my freezer about noontime to bring up a half gallon of ice cream to go with my birthday pie. The ice cream was like mush even though I had put it in there a day ago. I put it in the freezer on my fridge to try to refreeze it.

But then that left me with the question of whether my freezer was working or not. So I ended up spending 2 hours to empty my freezer into coolers, defrost it, take all the ice and water out, and dry it really well. Everything else in the freezer besides the ice cream was rock solid. Then I took inventory as I reloaded it. It needed to be defrosted anyhow. This is a small glimpse of what is in there. I finally got some Margaritaville Coconut Shrimp on Saturday when I went to get West’s vanilla ice cream. I didn’t have my raincheck but it was still on sale. So I can get those 10 when my freezer is emptier. Except for the chicken patties, that shrimp, the cheddar cheese and yeast, everything else is fish, beef, pork, sausage, turkey, chicken and other meats.

On Amazon Prime Day(I am on a free trial), Hubby ordered 3 cameras that were on sale for outside the house. My son installed them for us yesterday since I did not want Hubby on a ladder. This gives us an other layer of security. Hubby has since ordered a ring doorbell which came today. It was not on sale on Prime Day. So Hubby took some time to research and make sure that the way he wanted to install it, he could. It is already installed.

My son and West were here for breakfast. I made bacon and eggs for my son and us. I served West mashed potatoes and vanilla ice cream for breakfast which is what he wanted. He does not like eggs. He just got his invisaligns and his mouth is sore so soft foods only.

They brought me a beautiful vase and flowers for my birthday and after dinner, my son went online to the Buffalo Bills Store to get me some official gear. A sweatshirt and a winter hat are on the way. I really only wanted the hat because I fell in love with it. But my son talked me into the sweatshirt which I will wear on game days.

While I was making breakfast, I prepped the hamburger that I needed to put in a casserole that I was making for dinner.

I made a large hash brown casserole for dinner. Hubby and I each had one piece and will have another one tonight. The rest were frozen in portions to eat for brunches the next month or so.

On Saturday, these coupons came in the mail. It always pays to ask.

Today I purchased 6 lbs. of bacon for $ 2.99. This is the best price I have seen since 2020. If I had had more room, I would have gotten more since this is on my diet that I discussed with my doctor last week.

They also had Top’s ice cream for $ 2.99 which is a great price. However, we still have vanilla ice cream. Plus I want to give up ice cream except for holidays this winter.

Tonight is Buffalo Bills football and I want to give a quick call to my sister.

I hope you all had a great 5 days. Did you get any good deals this week?

2 replies on “A Little of This and A Little of That”

Hi Precious! Happy belated birthday. I guess the next time Hubby and I come out to see you we will have to go to Wagners. Eloise is so cute, I can’t believe she is 5 mos already. I so wish we were closer so I could come hug her. And you too. 😉

Your food looks really good, especially the casserole. Thanks for sending me the recipe. I will say a prayer that your freezer is ok. What a job you had cleaning and defrosting. I hope your back is better today.

The Buffalo Bills gear sounds like a perfect birthday gift for you and you will love wearing the sweatshirt this winter.

We had a good weekend with the annual neighborhood get together. I had gotten the pork butt several weeks ago when it was on sale at Kroger and Hubby made for the party. When we got back from visiting our families I mostly got loss leaders and things we needed at Kroger. I picked up my free prescription at Meijer. Sunday and today I had colonoscopy stuff. It was all fine and I am done now. Tomorrow it is back to normal. Hubby has some training he needs to take for his certifications so will be in the office for the day. I will pick up the girls. I am thinking about making vegetable soup b/c it is cold here. 52 degrees at 5:30 pm. Brr!

Hi Chris,

Thank you. Yes, we can go to Wagner’s when you come next.

Aw, that is so nice of you to say. You would love her.

My back is good one day and bad the next. I just never know.

I will love that shirt in the house this winter. Even though the house is 70 during the day, it is 64 at night. So when I first get up that sweatshirt will be handy.

Your party sounds like it was fun. Smoked pulled pork is so yummy!

I love the loss leaders. You get great Kroger ones there.

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