I had a roll of sausage in the refrigerator. Yesterday, I cooked it. I put 1/2 of it in our spaghetti sauce last night. I packaged up the other 1/2 to use on top of homemade pizza later in the week. The sauce I paid $.99 for. The portions of spaghetti that I used was about $ .49. The sausage was $2.94 but we are getting two meals out of it so $ 1.47 each meal. So last night’s spaghetti dinner cost us $ 1.50 for each of us or $ 2.95 for both. . We had a big salad for brunch yesterday so that was our veggies for the day.

After doing some cleaning yesterday, I went to Top’s. They did not have much I was interested in. But we were running out of Chung’s egg rolls so I picked up 2 packages on sale for $ 4.49 each. I do not make egg rolls. I made them once and they were more work than I am willing to do. Chung’s sent me an e-mail recently informing me that Walmart is now carrying them. However, they have not hit my store yet. I assume they will be cheaper than Top’s.
I had a free coupon for Ken’s ranch dressing. I needed laundry detergent because I was on my last bottle. I had a $3.00 coupon from Purex so I ended up spending $ 6.99+ tax for it. My total with tax was $ 17.25 for everything.
Between the cost of the construction at Top’s and the high prices due to inflation, I don’t go there very often. The noise is horrendous and no one can find anything anymore. This Top’s was privately owned and the prices were always high. But they have gone higher now that it is a company store. They have been working on redoing the inside for months now and a cashier told me it will not be done until the grand opening the end of November. Ugh! Wegman’s, Walmart, and Aldi’s are looking so much better now.
I have been doing a lot of research on where I can get bulk meat and tracking the prices the past few weeks. I have found 3 new to me places. So when my freezer is empty, I will be going to them to start to restock. The quality of meat is a lot better and the prices are way lower than the grocery stores. Best part is they are under 45 minutes away from my home. So traveling to them 2-3 times a year won’t be too bad. I will be sharing who they are when I start shopping there.
Do any of you buy your meat in bulk at an unconventional store instead of a grocery store? Where do you do that?
Eloise is getting into everything while I am writing this. So it is time to go give her some attention.
2 replies on “A Little Of This And A Little Of That”
Hi Precious, we had gotten beef and pork through a farmer relative from Hubby’s former employer. Haven’t gotten any for awhile. I think what you are planning to do is a good idea. There are some meat markets in our area that I might try out now that hubby is retired.
Got some good things at Kroger markdown today when I was there to get some salad and fruit for supper tonight. One of the things was their sauce for tikki Marsala and the other was a marked down pizza sauce. We love the tikki with leftover chicken and a bag of spinach, served over rice, for a quick dinner.
Hoping you will post another picture of Eloise soon if you can get her to stay still. LOLOL! I am so happy for you that you got her and I wish we could get a kitten too.
Hi Chris,
If I were to get even a half cow, I would not have room for anything else in my freezer.
She is so active. I’m losing weight chasing her which is a good thing.