You all know that I have an old meat slicer that I would cut up cold cuts from meats that I would roast. I didn’t always have big boneless roasts that I could cut them from. So while we were waiting for those roasts to go on sale, we would buy cold cuts just like everyone else especially if we were having company for any length of time. Or when we would be having a large party.
Well this Boar’s Head listeria scare really made me think. If you don’t know what I am talking about, it is everywhere in the news and on the CDC and FDA site. Here is an article for you: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bugs-mold-mildew-inspection-boars-head-plant-listeria/ .
This article disgusted and sickened me. Mold and mildew and bugs everywhere. So I told Hubby that we were never going to buy another cold cut anywhere whether it is Boar’s Head or any other brand. I was going to make all of our own cold cuts and never buy them at a store again. He agreed but he had one request. He said our meat slicer that we have used for years had served it’s purpose but he wanted to buy a commercial meat slicer that would not only do meats but slice our homemade bread. I agreed.
We picked out the one pictured above at Amazon. It was $348. plus 8% tax. Knowing how outrageously expensive cold cuts are, it will pay for itself pretty quickly. Plus I will have the peace of mind that I am not buying something that could potentially kill us.
I was pleasantly surprised when I opened our Top’s ad that starts this Sunday and saw beef Roasts on sale for $ 4.99 a lb. I have my choice of sirloin tip, top round, eye round or bottom round. I will be getting a top round since it is the most tender. We will roast it, chill it, and cut it up on the new slicer. Then I will put some in the refrigerator for next week and food saver the rest into small portions to pull out for sandwiches when we want one. Roast beef cold cuts cost between $11.99 to $18.99 at the grocery stores in my area.
It has been another busy day of errands, post office, drugstore, library, etc.
After I got home, Hubby went outside to weed some more gardens. He quickly came back inside after he took a header onto the ground. His head and, arm, and knee were bleeding.. I patched him up but he has been complaining about his left shoulder since it happened. I tried to take him to Well Now to get it looked at and possibly Xrayed but he refused. If it is not better in the morning, he is going whether he likes it or not. I am keeping an eye on him.
I hope to be back with my married life series tomorrow.
4 replies on “Boar’s Head Taught Us A Huge Lesson”
Hi Precious. I will pray that Hubby is better tomorrow. But an X-ray might be a good idea, just in case. My hubby was outside today also, the neighbor had rented an aerator for several of the guys on the street to do their lawns and Hubby was in on it. They split the cost of the aerator, so that was a good thing.
Today was busy after getting in at 8:30 last night from our families. I hit Kroger, went to my exercise class, made potato salad for supper, picked up older granddaughter from school and played with her. Hubby picked up little granddaughter from daycare after he was finished with the lawn and cooked burgers and hot dogs on the grill. We also had salad, fruit and ice cream for family supper. I am going to bed soon since little granddaughter is coming bright and early tomorrow morning.
Hi Chris,
Thanks. He isn’t up yet. But we will see. I think I will have to take him to the ER. Yes I am sure he needs an X-ray but he is fighting it.
That was a great way to get the lawns aerated by sharing.
You have to be exhausted from all of that.
Thank you posting this great money saving idea. I will interested to hear how you roast the meat and how slicing goes. It looks like a beautiful machine.
Hi smhuh,
You are welcome. I will let you know how it goes.