I will write the post on the ’80s and ’90’s tomorrow. It has been a crazy day.
Hubby had an appointment to get our car inspected and an oil change this morning at 8am. My plan was to go to Top’s because it was senior 6% discount day when he got home. Meanwhile while he was gone I took a cup of coffee out to our seating area in front to see our neighbors get on the bus since it was the first day of school. They are 2nd grade and younger. One of them was going to kindergarten and was so excited. They were all so cute.
When Hubby got home I asked him about the appointment and he said all went well. I asked him because I was curious how much the NYS inspection is now. He looked at the bill and did not see it on it. He assumed that they had just done it and that they would have told him if there was a problem. I told him to go out to the car and see if the new inspection is on the car. It wasn’t. They never did it. He went right back with the car and they apologized and took it right back in to inspect it. Moral of the story is you can’t trust anyone anymore. Go over any bill with them to make sure you get the services you requested.
After Hubby got home for the second time, I got ready and went to Top’s. I got a bunch of bananas on sale for $ .44 a lb, using a super coupon which cost me a $ 1.10, a bunch of celery for $ 2.00, and a half gallon of half and half for $ 5.99. My total after a 6% discount was $ 8.54. Every penny always counts. By the time I got there, the store was so crowded that I couldn’t wait to get home. I was in line for quite a while because they had no express line open. The self service checkouts are now cash only and I wanted to pay with cash. That will be all the shopping I do this week.
Hubby and I had a peaceful weekend watching college football, grilling outside, and just relaxing for a change. I also visited a friend who has had long Covid for 3 years now. I hadn’t seen her in a while. We had a nice chat and caught up on our lives.
I also went over our budget for August. We got our school tax bill the end of August and I paid it the same day. It was for $ 5961. This is only for our school district. Our property taxes for the county will be billed January 1, 2025 and is almost as much as the school taxes. NYS taxes are horrendous but we choose to live here to be close to our family. But this payment took a big chunk out of what we saved this month. That and a couple of large purchases that we made this month too. I will talk about one of them by the end of the week.
We grilled filet mignons, made chicken stir fry, and had chicken parm over the long weekend.
Hubby and I are about to go sit outside for a while today before we grill hamburgers with sauteed mushrooms for dinner. But I wanted to let you know that we saved $ 4354.49 this month towards our goal.
How did you do with your savings or debt payoff in August?
I will be back tomorrow with the continuation post of our life. I promise.
2 replies on “A Little of This and A Little of That”
Hi Precious, I just wanted to let you know we are still at our families’ homes. We are coming home tomorrow and I will write more then.
Thanks Chris. Safe travels.