Every Day

All Those Meals That I Posted Over The Weekend Were While We Were Away From Home

We went to visit my oldest son whom we had not seen since December. It is hard for him to visit us because he has a new job. That and owning a business too makes it very difficult for him.

He lives in the Adirondacks which I believe is one of the most beautiful and peaceful places in the U. S. If you are not familiar with the Adirondacks, you can learn more here:

So we drove out to see him on Friday morning. We took the Thruway to Amsterdam and then all of the back roads from there. We do this not only because it is a more scenic route but we save money on tolls by not continuing on the Thruway. We have EZ Pass so we save $ 16.04 coming and going because of that. Then by getting off in Amsterdam and back on in Amsterdam, we save $2.40.

We went straight through without stopping for food on the Thruway. We knew that our son had a nice cold cut lunch awaiting us.

I was so happy to see him. He is so happy and healthy! I was so surprised to see how much weight he has lost. He looks great! He is trimmer than he was in high school.

He had a beautiful outside hot tub put in his yard last Fall. That is what I enjoyed on Friday night. You all know the back issues that I have been dealing with. Well, my back has not hurt since I was in it and it is now Tuesday. I checked to see if our YMCA has one but they don’t. I will check some other places because I really believe this helped me. We can put one in our yard but we don’t really have the space unless we take out a tree and a garden to do it. So I am hoping there is some place we can pay and go to use one. My other son has one in his yard but he is an hour plus away. But when we visit I am sure he would let me use it. Last resort would be to have one installed.

While we were there he had the book called The Terminal List. When I asked him about it he told me has the whole series of the books signed. Then he told us the first book was on Freevee. So we binged watched it. Now I can’t wait until the second book is done and we can watch it. It is addicting. I will check our library to see if they have the books. If so I can read them while waiting for the series to be created and streamed.

The Japanese Restaurant that we ate at for dinner was . Hubby was not up to going out with us so he told us to have a nice mother and son dinner. We did and enjoyed every minute of it. We did bring Hubby home an appetizer of steamed dumplings because he needed to eat and this is what he wanted.

On Sunday, my son invited, his business partner and his girlfriend, to the cookout. My son grilled burgers, hot dogs, baked waffle fries and made a delicious pasta salad. We have really gotten to know Travis really well. He is a wonderful person and his girlfriend was lovely. We had a great time catching up.

Thank you son for all of your hospitality. We had a great time and can’t wait to see you again.

Now that we are home, it will be the usual around here. I will try to post as often as I can. We have no more company or vacations planned until next summer.

Our neighbors usually take care of watering our flowers while we are away. One of them was away and the other was having their huge party they have every year and we didn’t want to bother them. I paid a 13 year old neighborhood boy to do it and he did a great job. We will be hiring him on and off to help with some other things.

On the agenda this week is setting up an appointment with our lawyer to make some changes in our trust. Hubby has some appointments and I will most likely stay home most of the week.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend too!

2 replies on “All Those Meals That I Posted Over The Weekend Were While We Were Away From Home”

Hi Precious. I am so glad you had a good time with your son and got home safely. I hope your hubby is feeling better. Thank you for mentioning “The Terminal List”. I told hubby about it b/c it sounded like a show he would like when I looked it up. We had a teen girl watch Kitty when we went on the cruise this summer and she did a fine job. It is good to know she is available if we might need her when we travel and daughter’s family is not around.

I hope you are able to find a place with a hot tub. I can’t use them anymore since my cancer treatments 8 years ago. I am feeling better this morning. We are going to have tacos for supper. Hubby just left for his PT session. It is nice here and I have the AC off.

Hi Chris,

Thanks. Tomorrow I will be making some calls about hot tubs.

I am so glad that you are feeling better.Enjoy those tacos. Yeah on the A/C being off. We put ours back on when we got home yesterday. Since it was off while we were away, it was so stuffy in here. It ran for a while then but hasn’t run since because it is cooler out. However our weather people say the hot and muggy weather is coming back so I am just leaving it on.

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