We have had so much smoke in the air for at least a week from the fires in Canada. Alerts have been issued for seniors. So I found my cloth mask from Covid and used that to be able to run the errands this week. We have been indoors most of the week.
First shop was at Aldi’s. I was so happy to see the organic ground beef that we love on sale again at the same price as before the inflation hit. Since I had gotten ground beef on sale at Top’s recently I only got 2 of the 3 packs. They cost $ 17.96 for each 3 pack. I also purchased a cantaloupe on sale for $1.99 and an Avocado Oil for $6.79. I needed the oil because I am on my last bottle. Total cost of all was $ 44.70.

Next I went to Top’s on 6% off Senior Discount Day. I purchased a half gallon of Half and Half for $ 6.99. That is the cheapest price in my area. The coffee was $7.49 after Q. The vidalia onions @ $ 1.48 a lb. were $3.32. Onions are hard to find in our area that aren’t rotted especially bagged ones. So when I can buy them separate, I do to make sure they are good and will last a while.
The 2 Prego were on B1G1F so cost $3.69 for both. The peanut butter was $ 2.29 after Q. The Knorr noodles were $ .99 after Q.
We love cheese in this house for snacks. So I purchased 2 Cracker Barrel for $ 3.00 each. Lastly, I got 2 packages of raw shrimp on B1G1F for a total of $ 13.99 for both. After my 6% discount I paid $42.07 OOP.
There were not a lot of good sales but I grabbed the things that were on sale that were really needed to put in my pantry. Hubby loves onions in everything and I was down to my last couple of onions. The sauce and noodles will make a quick meal when we have been really busy that day. That way we avoid take out. I always have meatballs cooked in my fridge so those with sauce and mozzarella cheese heated in the microwave and a quick salad make a fast meal. Another quick meal is adding a half lb. of cooked ground beef from the freezer to the Knorr noodles.
Hubby loves peanut butter so I always make sure to have that. Lastly the shrimp has been so expensive so $7.00 for a bag saves me a couple of dollars each. We have 3 favorite recipes that we use it for.

I forgot to take a picture of my Niagara Produce order before I used the food saver for the meat for the freezer. But here it is anyhow.
I purchased 2 rib eye steaks at $15.99 a lb. totaling $ 39.18 and a 3 pack of Romaine lettuce for $ 1.99. My total OOP was $ 41.17.
We love steaks on the grill. So I have been trying to buy a couple a week lately. They are every expensive but they are about to go way higher up in price soon. My butcher let me in on that. So if I buy them now, it will save me from paying a lot more in the future.
Did you get any good deals this week?
4 replies on “Grocery Shopping This Week”
No big wins this week. We’re keeping our shopping pretty light, as our 16 y.o. left for my parents this week, and we’re heading to my parents house next weekend for a graduation celebration. We spent a lot at the store last week, so it will be nice to balance it out a bit.
Hi HP,
It is nice when you can balance the shopping out. Enjoy your visit.
Hi Precious. No stellar deals this week at Kroger for me, I didn’t really stock up on anything. Just bought what we needed/were out of, and it was still close to $100. This inflation is just awful. One thing I wanted to mention to your readers was to be sure to check your receipt. I thought I had bought 2 of the mustard that was on sale, but picked up the wrong size and it was $6.98 vs 1.58. Yes, I took them back and got a refund. I will stop by later if I am in the area to pick up the right ones if they have any left. I am excited that we will FINALLY have an egg deal starting on Wed: 18 eggs for 1.49. Limit 5 packages.
Hi Chris,
Nice egg deal! Inflation is terrible and our central bank is not doing what should to stifle it. So I expect because they are slow walking it that it will be here for a long long time. I have no idea how people are buying food who are low income or have lost jobs. Thanks for the tip on checking your receipt. That is great advice.