These are the things I did yesterday to cut our costs.
You all know that my expensive hair salon has been something I have needed to take off my list for a long time. Hubby has always told me to keep going there because I like the hairdresser. However, her prices have gone up and I can no longer justify paying almost $150. every 4-6 weeks for haircuts, root touch ups, and highlights. So I cancelled my next appointment. I will be making an appointment at Supercuts for a haircut which I desperately need. I don’t know what they charge but I am sure it is way less for a haircut than I have been paying. I will also be looking for a coupon to defray that cost. I will be letting my gray or white hair grow in over the winter. I have no idea what color it is. At my age, I don’t care about getting it colored anymore. As long as it is clean, neat, and cut, that is all I will concern myself with. If for some reason my natural color turns out to be awful, I will color it myself. A box of hair color purchased with a coupon will be so much cheaper than what I am paying now.
I used the electric fry pan(cheaper than heating up the gas stove) to make Hubby some Keto blueberry pancakes for breakfast. I actually made a whole bunch to freeze for future meals when he is craving them.
The temperature outside has been in the 70’s and will be 69 today so the heat only seems to come on overnight when it is colder. That will save us some money. We just got our natural gas and electric bill for the month ending October 21. We only used 390 kwh instead of the 451 kwh we used same period last year. I have really been watching our usage and cutting back. We did use 1 therm more of natural gas than last year but it has been colder. Our bill last year was $ 115. This year’s bill was $ 144. so $ 29. more. It would have been so much higher if I hadn’t been cutting back on the electric.
I washed a very large load of wash with cold water and rinsed in cold water. About 1/2 of the load, I hung to dry. The rest was dried in the dryer using my dryer balls to save on how long it needed to run to dry. I used my homemade powered laundry detergent in the wash.
Hubby had been procrastinating on taking the 6 hour course for NYS online that saves us 10% off our car insurance. You take the course and you get 10% off each year for 3 years. The course saves us on average $119. per year. The course only costs us $ 25. So we end up saving $332. Today he is sitting at his computer and taking it. It needed to be taken by October 31st. So that is now done.
Since Hubby was taking the course and could reach me on our cellphone if he needed me, I took a quick trip to Top’s. I picked up 4 Two Good yogurts, a package of romaine lettuce, some all natural deli sliced turkey and roast beef to put on salads, 1 G Hughes salad dressing, 4 cream cheeses, 1 cheddar cheese block on sale and 1 pkg. of mozzarella sticks for a chicken recipe, a rotisserie chicken, 2 Skinny Pop, 2 on sale sour creams, 2 Rao’s spaghetti sauces and a pill splitter. The rotisserie chicken was on sale so it cost me less than buying the whole chicken and roasting it myself. I will put the skin and carcass in the freezer until I get a second carcass and then I will make bone broth. Total cost for all was $ 77.64. Just outrageous! But they were all things we needed.
Dinner was easy. I had already cooked Jalapeno Cheddar Sausages leftover from last night. They just needed to be reheated in the microwave. I served them with healthy homemade coleslaw that we had had the night before. I always try to cook for 2 meals at a time to save time and energy.
I have many, many, paper plates right now. So I have been using them when I can to save on running the dishwasher as often as I have been.
Our entertainment for the evening was Hubby watched Monday night football and I called and chatted with my sister for an hour.
Did you do anything to save money yesterday? Please share with us in the comments so we can learn from you.
10 replies on “Cutting Costs: Some Large & Some Small”
Hi Precious. Yesterday I was at home all day. Did some laundry and cleaned bathrooms. It was warm here also so opened the doors and turned off the heat. Walked down to get older granddaughter after school and she played outside all afternoon with our neighbor kids. Hubby got home early and got the leaves mulched up with the mower and put in the compost pile. He had taken the dirt from last years compost and put on the garden over the weekend. We had leftovers for supper and I watched Antiques Roadshow. As an aside, our son says that Rao pasta sauce is really good. I have never bought.
Hi Chris,
You had a productive day. Yeah on getting to open your windows. That is one thing that we have to do is mow the lawn and bag it. Hubby can’t and I probably shouldn’t. But if push comes to shove the neighbor next door has offered to help or my son can do this this weekend.
Thank you for sharing.
Rao is low carb so that is why I purchased it. We have had it before. It is good. I am going to make meatloaf or cook meatballs in it.
I was sorry to see the news of your Hubby. This week I am trying a No Spend Week. No new groceries, we have plenty. I need to use up a bunch of eggplant and red cabbage. I want to cut our paid streaming services in half, we use more and more of the free ones anyway. My new favorite is Pluto and their CSI channel. I am starting the buttoning up process before winter. I have changed over from cotton to flannel sheets and washed the heavier bedspread. I want to whip down the ceiling fans and change their direction. Unfortunately the weather keeps changing. Lastly for Halloween I am pulling out a bunch of stickers and passing them out instead of buying candy.
Hi Amy,
Thanks. Yeah on no groceries.
I am aiming for that goal. Is Pluto free? That is a good challenge to get down to half.
You have reminded me to put the flannel sheets on the beds that I have them for. Thank you.
Fans are done here.
I love your sticker idea for Halloween. We are not answering our door for Halloween. I am always worried about Covid especially with Hubby’s heart problems. I will just get some things for the 4 children who are next door neighbors and bring them over on Sunday to their parents.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Free Pluto is free. Our streaming services are out of control. Hulu, Netflix, Disney Plus, and Prime. I cut Prime last month. This month I am trying to decide between Hulu/Disney+ and Netflix. I would cut Netflix except for The Crown coming out. Hulu/Disney+ was a deal but is going to go up. I might cancel all of them and see what we miss the most.
Hi Amy,
Thanks for your response on Pluto. I thought I had watched something on there free. Yeah on cutting Prime! I did that over a year ago and have never missed it. I just wait until I have $25. worth of items in my cart before I order. be aware that Netflix is having a new plan that is going to launch November 3rd at 9am PT. It will be $ 6.99 a month with ads for one screen at a time. That might be an option for you. I don’t know anything about the other two.
That’s a lot of money you spent on your hair. Good God! I always went to SuperCuts. They have a senior discount. It used to be $16.99 for a cut. Nowadays my husband buzz cuts my hair. His speciality is a pixie cut (It’s the ONLY cut he knows LOL!) It will have to do since it’s free. He even cuts his own hair. hasn’t paid a barber in decades. I haven’t paid for a hair cut in at least 3 years.
Good luck!
Hi Cindi,
I did not know that they had a senior discount. I will ask about that the next time I go. I wish Hubby could cut my hair but his back won’t allow him to do that. He always cut my years ago before his back issues and he did a great job. Better than a lot of stylists.That is fantastic that your Hubby cab do that for you.
Precious we’re saving a lot of money!
Yes we are.